
They asked, "What ails him that he acts so crazed?"

قالوا ترى ما به لما رأوا ولهي

1. They asked, "What ails him that he acts so crazed?"
I said, "It is for whom I am, and all things were made."

١. قالوا تُرى ما بِهِ لِما رَأَوا وَلَهي
فَقُلتُ فيمَن أَنا وَالكائِناتُ بِهِ

2. Life's eye for me has no other course beside,
Since no drink but his draft slakes my thirst inside.

٢. عَينُ الحَياةِ الَّذي ما عَنهُ لي صَدَرٌ
إِذ لَيسَ شُربٌ غَيرَ مَشرَبِهِ

3. No lodging suits the lodger save his abode,
No journey but its star lights my road.

٣. وَلا قِرى لِنَزيلٍ دونَ قَريَتِهِ
وَلا هُدىً لِسَبيلٍ دونَ كَوكَبِهِ

4. How could I see perversion in his signs so clear,
And follow ambiguous paths that lead nowhere?

٤. وَكَيفَ عَن مُحكَمِ الآياتِ مِنهُ أَرى
زَيغاً وَأَتبَعُ تُبّاعاً لِمُشتَبِهِ

5. Since I untied his scroll's knot long ago,
My heart stirs not save with remembrance aglow.

٥. وَمُذ حَلَلتُ رَقيمَ الكَهفِ مِنهُ بِنَو
مي فيهِ لَم يُلفَ قَلبي غَيرَ مُنتَبِهِ

6. In my heart joy took its seat, cares put to flight,
As thoughts and fancies fade in their turning rite.

٦. وَحَلَّ مُذحَلَّ في قَلبي السُرورُ وَسَرّى
الهَمَّ وَالوَهمَ عَنهُ في تَقَلُّبِهِ