1. The young lovers have surrendered
To my love and bowed to me in submission
١. أَثَمَّةُ أَربابِ الصَبابَةِ يَمَّموا
هَوىيَ وَبِالتَسليمِ لي فيهِ سَلَّموا
2. They turned their faces to me in prayer
And bowed to my station when they became Muslims
٢. وَوَجهي تَوَلّوا قِبلَةً في صَلاتِهِم
وَنَحوَ مَقامي سَلَّموا حينَ أَسلَموا
3. They whispered their secrets before me in alms
Speaking gently in my ear
٣. وَبَينَ يَدي نَجواهُمُ لي تَصَدَّقوا
بِبِرِّهِمُ في أُسرَتي وَتَكَلَّموا
4. Had they reached the Kaaba in their love
Besides my Kaaba God would not accept them
٤. وَلَو بَلَغوا في الهَديِ بِالحُبِّ كَعبَةً
سِوى كَعبَتي لَم يَقبَلِ اللَهُ مِنهُمُ
5. Their believer believes in me
And the one who affirms me affirms
٥. فَمُؤمِنُهُم بي مُؤمِنٌ وَمُصَدِّقٌ
وَمُسلِمُهُم فيما قَضَيتُ مُسَلِّمُ
6. They were enraptured with love of me and raved
With others for the sake of strangers' love and fancied
٦. وَكُلُّهُم هاموا بِحُبّي وَمَوَّهوا
بِغَيري لِأَغيارِ الغَرامِ وَأَوهَموا
7. And through me they saw the way of lovers
While the people of deviance were blind to my creed
٧. وَبي في سَبيلِ العاشِقينَ تَبَصَّروا
وَسائِرُ أَهلِ الزيغِ عَن مَذهَبي عَمّوا
8. So the inner meaning of my words is clear to lovers
But to beasts it is ambiguous
٨. فَباطِنُ قَولي في المُحِبّينَ ظاهِرٌ
وَلِكِنَّهُ عِندَ البَهائِمِ مَبهِمُ
9. I make no claims upon lovers
But my tongue translates their passions
٩. وَلَستُ عَلى أَهلِ الغَرامِ بِمُدَّعٍ
وَلَكِن لِساني عَن هَواهُم يُتَرجَمُ
10. And their followers in love are my followers
They are me in it, and I am them
١٠. وَأَتباعُهُم لي في الهَوى أَنا تابِعٌ
لَهُم وَهُمُ فيهِ أَنا وَأَنا هُمُ