
Had I not been beguiled by hopes, I would not have seen

ولولا اغتراري بالأماني لم أر اغ

1. Had I not been beguiled by hopes, I would not have seen
Any dust, nor chosen a folk o'er my kith and kin,

١. وَلَولا اِغتِراري بِالأَماني لَم أَرَ اِغ
تِراباً وَلا آثَرتُ أَهلاً عَلى أَهلي

2. Nor taken me any abode, saving homesteads with
Goodly gray walls, nor bartered the gardens of Nu'man

٢. وَلا اِختَرتُ داراً غَيرَ دارٍ بِحاجِرِ
وَلا اِعتَضتُ عَن جَنّاتِ نُعمانَ بِالأَثلِ