
With their light fluttering alone

ومهفهف بالفرق منفرد

1. With their light fluttering alone
His glances reign over the crowd

١. وَمُهَفهَفٍ بِالفَرقِ مُنفَرِدٍ
بِلِحاظِهِ يَسطو عَلى الجَمعِ

2. He dispels the darkness with his blush’s glow
And they waver, bending like a bough

٢. يَجلو الظَلامَ بِضوءِ غُرَّتِهِ
وَيُعَيدِلونَ الجُنحَ بِالفَرعِ

3. Never have I glimpsed a flash from his kiss
Without my tears flowing in place of life

٣. ما شِمتُ بَرقاً عَن مُقَبَّلِهِ
إِلّا وَنابَ عَنِ الحَيا دَمعِي

4. For his mouth and smiling lips
I yearn for carnelian and bright aloe wood

٤. فَلِثَغرِهِ وَشِفاهِ مَبسَمِهِ
أَهوى العَقيقَ وَبارِقَ الجَزعِ