
I watch him in fear and hope

أراقبه في حالة الخوف والرجا

1. I watch him in fear and hope
And become between the two states as I become in the evening

١. أراقِبُهُ في حالَةِ الخَوفِ وَالرَجا
وَأَصبِحَ بَينَ الحالَتَينِ كَما أَمسي

2. If loneliness seizes me without him, the desolation of life
Longing calls me to him in the simplicity of humanity

٢. إِذا قَبَضتَني دونَهُ وَحشَةُ الحَيا
دَعاني إِلَيهِ الشَوقُ في بِسطَةِ الإِنسِ

3. And my heart becomes settled, its certainty
With its holy vision in my sensory universe

٣. وَأَصبَحَ قَلبي مُستَقَرّاً يَقينُهُ
بِمَشهَدِهِ القُدسِيِّ في كَوني الحَسِيِّ