
In my solitude with the beauty of my beloved

لي في خلوتي بجلوة محبوبي

1. In my solitude with the beauty of my beloved
Hidden from the sight of spies

١. لي في خَلوَتي بِجَلوَةِ مَحبوبي
مَغيبٌ عَن مَشهَدِ الرُقباءِ

2. My turning to him made me disappear in him
Prolonging my existence in annihilation

٢. وَاِنقِطاعي بِهِ إِلَيهِ ثَناني
بِفِناءٍ أَطالَ فيهِ بَقائي

3. What lay beyond him became, when he came before me,
Behind me, my fore and my aft,

٣. وَوَراهُ مِن حَيثُ أَضحى أَماماً
لِوَرائي أَمسى أَمامي وَرائي

4. And I, when he seemed like me to me
Knew my prayer in calling upon him.

٤. وَبِإِيّاهٍ إِذ بَدا لي كَإِيّايَ
إِلَيهِ عَرفَتُ مِنهُ دُعائي

5. All directions took on equal relation to him
Though he is too sublime for space to contain

٥. وَاِستَوَت نِسبَةُ الجِهاتِ إِلَيهِ
مَع تَعاليهِ عَن حُدودِ الفَضاءِ

6. The sky showed me my earthly orientation
Bending the earth into orientation with the sky

٦. قَد أَراني السَماءَ قِبلَةَ أَرضي
وَثَنى الأَرضَ قِبلَةً لِلسَماءِ

7. Thus with him my ritual prayer consists In my kneeling, my prostration, and my upright stance.

٧. فَلِهَذا لَدَيهِ أَضحَت صَلاتي
بِرُكوعي وَسَجدَتي وَاِستِوائي