
My covenant has no annulment

شرعة وجدي ما لها نسخ

1. My covenant has no annulment
And my pact has no dissolution

١. شَرعَةُ وَجدي ما لَها نَسخُ
وَعَقدُ عَهدي مالَهُ فَسخُ

2. In people's bones I have revival
A wanderer whose abode is ruin

٢. وَفي عِظامِ الناسِ لي نَشأَةٌ
سَيّارَةٌ مَسكَنُها المُخُّ

3. And my way with love is Balkhi
It is refused by one whose home is disdain

٣. وَسِنَّتي في العِشقِ بَلَخِيَّةٌ
يَرفُضُها مَن دارَهُ الكَرخُ

4. My two gardens of Paradise are her eyes
From which the valleys are irrigated

٤. وَجَنَّتا جُنِيَّ عَيناهُما
يَروي الصَوادي مِنهُما النَضخُ

5. In my right hand is a crushing stone
For the head of one without life to crush

٥. وَفي يَميني حَجَرٌ دامِغٌ
لَرَأسِ لا حَيَّ بِهِ رَضخُ

6. And he whom I intend is mighty
From his haughtiness the arrogant bows

٦. وَمَن بِهِ هِمتُ عَزيزٌ لَهُ
يَذِلُّ مِن عادَتهُ الشَمخُ

7. A heart whose love was complete
Was not touched except by its stain from love

٧. لَم يَلقَ قَلباً حُبُّهُ قالِياً
إِلّا بِهِ مِن حَبِّهِ لَطخُ

8. And the one who bears his burdens
Is none but youth whose companions are foes

٨. وَإِنَّما الحامِلُ أَعباءَهُ
لَيسَ سِوى صَبٍّ لَهُ سِنخُ

9. Neither sword nor spear nor clubs
Turned him from his intent in love

٩. لَم يُثنِهِ في الحُبِّ عَن قَصدِهِ
سَيفٌ وَلا رُمحٌ وَلا جَرخُ

10. Nations march to him
As beasts roam in the wild

١٠. تَسري إِلَيهِ أُمَمٌ مِثلَما
يُسَيِّرُ في رُقعَتِهِ الرَخُّ

11. A blaze gratifies his eyes
For in his love his heart is cooked

١١. يُقِرُّ عَينَيهِ لَهيبٌ بِهِ
لِقَلبِهِ في حَبِّهِ طَبخُ

12. O father of the full moon in the Highest Heaven
Above the seven spheres most high

١٢. يا بِأَبي البَدرَ الَّذي في العُلى
لَهُ عَلى السَبعِ العَلا البَذخُ

13. Being apart from him is a sign
For lovers that the new moon returns

١٣. وَفَرقُهُ آيَةُ عُشّاقِهِ
أَضحى لَهُ مِن غَيهِبٍ سَلخُ

14. He who gained virtue did not gain
From his surplus, one who is not generous

١٤. فَما اِقتَنى الجَوهَرُ مِن فَضلِهِ
مَن فيهِ بِالأَعراضِ لا يَسخو

15. And he who transgressed his bounds and rebelled
His form by it is transfigured

١٥. وَمَن تَعَدّى حَدَّهُ وَاِعتَدى
حِلّاً بِهِ سيمَتُهُ المَسخُ

16. The tower of the birds of passion is his abode
Where the fledgling and chick were raised

١٦. وَبُرجُ أَطيارِ الهَوى دارُهُ
فيها نَشا السارِحُ وَالفَرخُ

17. So whoever coveted for another
Is hunted down by traps

١٧. فَكُلُّ مَن حامَ عَلى حَومَةٍ
لَغَيرِهِ يَصطادُهُ الفَخُّ

18. And no soul that lost its passion
Has in its soul from his soul breath

١٨. وَما لِنَفسٍ فَقَدَت وَجدَهُ
في روحِها مِن روحِهِ نَفخُ

19. And whoever spent the bloom of youth
Not in his love missed its bloom

١٩. وَمَن قَضى شَرخَ شَبابٍ عَلى
غَيرِ هَواهُ فاتَهُ الشَرخُ