
I advanced humbly towards her, so she showed her pleasure,

سررت موهنا نحوي فأبدت مسرتي

1. I advanced humbly towards her, so she showed her pleasure,
And she greeted me, so I revived through her beautiful greeting,

١. سَررتُ موهِناً نَحوي فَأَبدَت مَسَرَّتي
وَحَيَّت فَأَحَييتَني بِحُسنِ التَحِيَّةِ

2. She wished well, so she wished well upon my abode against affliction,
My heart, through connection after separation.

٢. وَمَنَّت فَمَنَّت في مَآبي إِلى الحِمى
فُؤادي بِوَصلِ الوَصلِ بَعدَ القَطيعَةِ

3. So distance between us made me lose hope,
And falling short of attaining nearness made me despair.

٣. فَآيَسَني بَعدُ المَسافَةِ بَينَنا
وَتَقصيرُ نَضوُ السَعي مِن قُربِ أَوبَتي

4. But her overflowing grace, veiled from my weary eyes,
Gave me hope for connection after estrangement.

٤. وَأَطمَعَني في وَصلِها بَعدَ هَجرِها
تَفَضُّلُها المُحجوبُ عَن عَينِ مُنيَتي

5. And if my camel takes me towards her abode,
I will reach her, otherwise I will die in the land of my exile.

٥. وَإِن حَمَلَتني ناقَتي نَحوَ دارِها
وَصَلتُ وَإَلّا مُتُّ في دارِ غُربَتي

6. The rare connection made me patient after it,
So I faced the glory of connection with my humiliation.

٦. عَزيزَةُ وَصلٍ عَزَّني الصَبرُ بَعدَها
فَقابَلتُ عِزَّ الوَصلِ مِنها بِذِلَّتي

7. I attached my love to her shadows, so I suspended
My hopes in her indifference with my demise.

٧. عَلَقتُ هَواها في الظِلالِ فَعَلَّقتُ
أَمانِيَّ في إِعراضِها بِمَنِيَّتي

8. She did not turn away from me or from the right of connection
Except out of respect for me in love and my error.

٨. وَما أَعرَضَت عَنّي وَحَقِّ وِصالِها
لِغَيرِ اِحتِرامي في الهَوى وَخَطيئَتي

9. Had she not seen neglect from me of her right,
She would not have denied me connection, and she is my confidante.

٩. وَلَو لَم تَرَ الإِخلالَ مِنّي بِحَقِّها
لِما مَنَعَتني الوَصلَ وَهيَ خَليلَتي

10. I would have her, and with a heart in the grasp of her palm,
I would see the rest of existence in the grasp of my palm.

١٠. وَكُنتُ بِها وَالقَلبُ في قَبضِ بَسطِها
أَرى سائِرَ الأَكوانِ في قَبضِ بِسطَتي

11. So I spent the night of estrangement after connection
Wandering in the fire of passion after my paradise.

١١. فَأَمسَيتُ في لَيلِ الجَفا بَعدَ وَصلِها
أُرَدَّدُ في نارِ الجَوى بَعدَ جَنَّتي

12. When you take me out of the intense heat of my ambitions,
I return with despair, entering again the fire of my anguish.

١٢. إِذا أَخرَجتَني مِن لِظاها مَطامِعي
أُعادُ بِيَأسي وارِداً نارَ خيفَتي

13. How many bodies have I exhausted in the fire of her estrangement,
And she makes me new again for my fervor!

١٣. فَكَم جَسَدٍ أَنضَجتُ في نارِ هَجرِها
وَتُبَدِّلُن مِنهُ جَديداً لِشَوقَتي

14. How many cycles have cycled upon me in their early days,
Circling me in the cycle after cycle!

١٤. وَكَم كَرَّةٍ كَرَّت عَلَيَّ بُكورِها
تُرَدِّدُني في دَورَةِ بَعدِ دَورَةِ

15. What is past of my time with her grieves me,
My eyelids dripping with the flames of my sighs.

١٥. وَحَزَّني عَلى ما فاتَ مِن زَمَني بِها
يُقَطِّرُ أَجفاني بِتَصعيدِ زَفرَتي

16. Sorrow pained, so it clothed the disheveled sorrow,
So the renewal of sorrow adorned my old robe.

١٦. أَلَمَّت فَلَمَّت بِالأَسى شَعَثَ الأَسى
فَأَخلَقَ تَجديدُ الأَسى ثَوبَ جَدَّتي

17. It healed with what it healed my body from my oppression,
My complaint of my existence, but did not heal my bitterness.

١٧. وَأَشفَت بِما شَفَّت بِهِ الجِسمَ مِن ضَنّي
عَذولي عَلى وُجودي وَلَم تَشِفِ غِلَّتي

18. It gifted my eye in sleep the image of her,
Reproaching my eyelid with vision after my slumber.

١٨. وَأَهدَت لِعَيني في المَنامِ خَيالَها
يُعاتِبُ جَفني بِالكَرى بَعدَ هَجعَتي

19. They said, "You have distracted yourself from love." I said,
"I take refuge in passion from distraction except for my distraction."

١٩. وَقالوا سَلَوتَ الحُبَّ قُلتُ
أَعوذُ بِالغَرامِ مِنَ السَلوانِ إِلّا لِسَلوَتي

20. My heart was marred by the farewell, an hour,
And my joy was repelled by the beautiful promises.

٢٠. فَساءَ فُؤادي بِالتَوَدُّعِ ساعَةً
وَرَدَّ سُروري بِالوُعودِ الجَميلَةِ

21. Were it not for my clinging in love to her promises,
The agony of separation would not have spared my mind.

٢١. وَلَولا اِعتِلاقي في الهَوى بِوُعودِها
لَما سَلَّمَت مِن لَوعَةِ البَينِ مُهجَتي

22. She lowered herself in her loftiness from my lowly abode,
Not to where my soul had fallen after its ascension.

٢٢. دَنَت في عُلاها مِن حَضيضِ مَقامِيَ ال
لَذي هَبَطَت نَفسي بِهِ بَعدَ رَفعَتي

23. Yet her gentle reproach of me is for consent,
After the roughness of separation, in the shade of togetherness.

٢٣. وَأَبدا عِتابي لُطفُها بي عَلى الرِضى
بِوَعرِ الفَلا مِن بَعدِ ظَلِّ الأَظَلَّةِ

24. Her meaning gleamed to my eyes without form
And was not coupled, when appearing, with form.

٢٤. وَلاحَت بِمَعناها لِعَينيَ صورَةً
وَما اِقتَرَنَت عِندَ الظُهورِ بِصورَةِ

25. Nor was she transferred from being disembodied,
Even if beheld in a form like my form.

٢٥. وَما اِنتَقَلَت عَن كَونِ تَجريدِ ذاتِها
وَإِن شوهِدَت في حِليَةٍ مِثلَ حِليَتي

26. She occupies the sights and hearts of all
When veiled after appearance with absence.

٢٦. تَعَلَّبُ أَبصارَ الوَرى وَقُلوبَهُم
إِذا اِستَتَرَت بَعدَ الظُهورِ بِغَيبَةِ

27. So one knowledgeable of the divine recognizes her in creation,
While the ignorant denies her the first time.

٢٧. لِيَعرِفَها في البَدوِ مَن كانَ عارِفاً
وَيُنكِرُها ذو الجَهلِ أَوَّلَ مَرَّةِ

28. She displays her grace in requital
Over her justice with the deserving of punishment.

٢٨. وَتُظهِرُ في حالِ المُكافاةِ فَضلَها
عَلى عَدلِها في مُستَحَقَّ العُقوبَةِ

29. Her clarity on the plane of manifestation captivated me,
So to my eyes she was the clarity of my eyes.

٢٩. حَكاني عَلى طَورِ التَجَلّي صَفاؤُها
فَكانَت لِعَيني في جَلا العَينِ جَلوَتي

30. What the eye witnessed was her meaning, not her being,
And any form was but the example of my form.

٣٠. فَما شَهِدَتهُ العَينُ مَعنىً فَذاتُها
وَمِن هَيئَةٍ فَهيَ المِثالُ لِهَيئَتي

31. I protected my hearing from her critics
With my sincere allegiance to her and my zeal.

٣١. حَميتُ حِمى سَمعي بِها عَن عَواذِلي
بِصِدقِ مُوالاتي لَها وَحِمِيَّتي

32. And I disobeyed those who criticize her, if only
She were more compliant to some of my hopes.

٣٢. وَعاصَيتُ فيها العاذِلاتِ وَلَيتَها
عَلى بَعضِ ما أَمَّلتُ مِنها مُطيعَتي

33. I distanced myself in her from my family, drawing near
To those who love her from faraway lands.

٣٣. وَأَصبَحتُ مِن وَجدي بِها وَتَتَيُّمي
أَرى عَبدَها في الحُبِّ مَولىً لِنِعمَتي

34. I emigrated in her beyond emigrants for her beauty,
And joined in her those engulfed in agony.

٣٤. وَوِفقاً غَدا قَلبي لَجامِعُ حُسنِها
فَأَضحى لَها مَنّي تَفاصيلُ جُملَتي

35. I struggled against my soul fully in her estrangement
With my patience over what pleased it of tribulation.

٣٥. فَصُنتُ صَباباتي بِها عَن أَقارِبي
وَأَخفَيتُ أَمراضي بِها عَن أَطبَتي

36. And in fasting I paid the alms to its people,
And on their feast day I paid my charity.

٣٦. وَما بُحتُ بِالمَستورِ تَحتَ خِمارِها
إِلى مائِلٍ في الحُبِّ عَن نَهجِ مِلَّتي

37. I stood for the rules of obligations openly,
And followed them with supererogation after obligation.

٣٧. وَما الصَومُ في شَرعِ الهَوى غَيرُ صَونِ ما
تَحَمَّلَ الحُبِّ عَن كُلَّ مَيِّتِ

38. I allied those who allied her family, extending
Enmity in love to the enemy of my allegiance.

٣٨. وَباعَدتُ فيها الأَقرَبينَ مَقارِباً
عَلى حُبِّها أَهلَ الشُعوبِ البَعيدَةِ

39. I came close as the missionaries lowered themselves for her beauty
By casting off piety in her, and not hypocrisy.

٣٩. وَهاجَرتُ فيها الهاجَرَينِ لِحُسنِها
وَواصَلتُ فيها المولِعينِ بِلَوعَتي

40. And when the days of intimacy between us lengthened,
And my state in separation narrowed my maneuvers,

٤٠. وَجاهَدتُ فيها النَفسَ حَقَّ جِهادِها
بِصَبري عَلى ما سَرَّها مِن بَلِيَّتي

41. I made my prayers in passion for her
Connection after separation my connection.

٤١. وَفي الصَومِ أَدَّيتُ الزَكاةَ لِأَهلِها
وَفي شَعبِهِم أَخرَجتُ في الفِطرِ فِطرَتي

42. I purified my limbs by recognizing those whose
Ranks in the world of passion guided me.

٤٢. وَقُمتُ بِأَحكامِ الفَرائِضِ ظاهِراً
وَأَتبَعتُها بِالنَفلِ بَعدَ الفَريضَةِ

43. I oriented my face in my direction towards her face,
So wherever I looked to her, it was my direction of prayer.

٤٣. وَوالَيتُ مَن والى ذَوِيَّها مُادِياً
عَلى الحُبِّ مَن عادى وَلِيَّ وَلِيَّتي

44. To her I pray devoutly to her Originator
With her beautiful names, steadfast.

٤٤. وَدُنتُ كَما دانَ الدُعاةُ لِحُسنِها
بِخَلعِ التُقى فيها وَلَيسَ التَقِيَّةِ

45. When Layla's lovers saw me following her way,
They became as I desired, my followers.

٤٥. وَلَمّا تَمادَت بَينَنا مُدَّةُ النَوى
وَضاقَت بِحالي في التَباعُدِ حيلَتي

46. She appeared, so the darkness of displeasure disappeared in pleasure,
And the bitterness of life dissolved in sweetness.

٤٦. جَعَلتُ صَلاتي في الغَرامِ بِذِكرِها
إِلى وَصلِها بَعدَ القَطيعَةِ وَصِلَتي

47. So my inclination towards her came when she came inclined,
And she turned away when the object of my craving turned away.

٤٧. وَطَهَّرتُ أَعضائي بِعِرفانِ مَن عَلى
مَراتِبُهُم في عالَمِ العِشقِ دَلَّتِ

48. She showed my eye in the darkness of veil her fire,
To unveil for me her light after my heedlessness.

٤٨. وَوَجَّهتُ وَجهي في اِتِّجاهي لِوَجهِها
فَمِن حَيثُ ما اِستَقَبلتُها فَهيض قِبلَتي

49. So I called to my companions, "Stay, that we may see
The guidance to the lights from the lofty fire."

٤٩. إِلَيها أُصَلّي قانِتاً لِمُفيضِها
بِأَسمائِها الحُسنى التَثَبُّتِ

50. When we descended the valley of holiness,
The suns of humanity shone upon us after desolation.

٥٠. وَحينَ رَأى عُشّاقُ سَلمى تَسُنُّني
بِسُنَّتِها صاروا كَما شِئتُ شيعَتي

51. So my heart gave me good tidings when
She called me with "Servant," and I became a confidant to her company.

٥١. تَجَلَّت فَجَلَّت ظُلمَةَ السُخطِ بِالرِذى
وَحَلَّت فَحَلَّت مُرَّ عَيشٍ أَمَرَّتِ

52. I responded to her call and hurried towards her,
And came to my companions swiftly with zeal.

٥٢. فَأَقبَلَ إِقبالي بِها حينَ أَقبَلَت
وَأَدبَرَت لِما أَدبَرَت وَجهُ لِذَّتي

53. I would not have been guided to her path
Had the guide to guidance from misguidance not guided me.

٥٣. وَأَبدَت لَعَيني في دُجى السَترِ نارَها
لَيَكشِفَ عَنّي نورَها حُجبُ غَفلَتي

54. When we reached the water of the city of her love,
We found the best nation guarding it for guidance.

٥٤. فَصِحتُ بِأَصحابي اِمكُثو عَلَّنا نَرى
هَدانا عَلى الأَنوارُ مِن نارِ عَلوَةِ

55. They ward from it each misguided about passion,
And give drink from it to each fervently thirsty.

٥٥. وَلَمّا نَزَلنا وادِيَ القُدسِ أَشرَقَت
عَلَينا شُموسُ الإِنسِ مِن بَعدَ وَحشَةِ

56. So I attained through them the heights of passion,
While I had hoped to gain a drink from it.

٥٦. فَبَشِّرني بِالبِشرِ قَلبي وَعِندَما
دَعَتني بِعَبدٍ صِرتُ مَولىص لِرِفقَتي

57. I leaned towards a lofty meadow seeking
The wealth of poverty from the essence of gifts.

٥٧. فَلَبَّيتُ داعيها وَأَسرَعتُ نَحوَها
وَجِئتُ صَحابي مِن سِناها بِجَذوَةِ

58. Veiled for transcending with her majesty
The imagination, Beauty displayed her for my faith.

٥٨. وَما كُنتُ لضو لَم تَهدِني لِسَبيلِها
بِمُهدي الهَدى لِلناسِ مِن بَعدِ ضَلَّةِ

59. She was not veiled from me by other than me, nor appeared
Without a veil when displaying herself to me.

٥٩. وَلَمّا وَرَجنا ماءَ مَدينَ حَبِّها
وَجَدنا عَلَيهِ لِلهُدى خَيرَ أُمَّةِ

60. So I affirm in the effacement of vision her vision
By denying boundaries of where in witnessing her.

٦٠. يَذودونَ عَنهُ كُلَّ سالٍ عَنِ الهَوى
وَيَسقونَ مِنهُ كَلَّ صَبٍّ بِصَبوَةِ

61. And she makes me witness absence and presence,
And far be it from her absence after presence!

٦١. فَنِلتُ بِهِم عَلّاً عَلى نَهلِ الهَوى
وَقَد كُنتُ أَرجو أَن أَفوزَ بِنَهلَةِ

62. Rather the languor of my eye in the sickness of passion
Makes me absent in my witnessing.

٦٢. وَمَلتُ عَلى رِيٍّ إِلى الظِلِّ اِبتَغى
غِنى الفَقرِ مِن ذاتِ العَطايا السَنِيَّةِ

63. And verily the light of the sun at its rising
Is veiled from every blind eye.

٦٣. مَحُجَّبَةٌ لِمّا اِختَلَفَت بِجَلالِها
عَنِ الوَهمِ أَبداها الجَمالُ لِمُلَتي

64. The witness of my eye in seeing her essence
Is like my essence, witness in presence and absence.

٦٤. وَما اِحتَجَبَت عَنّي بِغَيري وَلا بَدَت
بِغَيرِ حِجابٍ عِندَما لي تَبَدَّتِ

65. If vision belies the self in seeing her,
I perceive in the repeated vision my clear sightedness.

٦٥. فَأَثبَتُ في مَحوِ العَيانِ عَيانُها
بِنَفيِ حُدودِ الأَينِ في حالِ رؤيَتي

66. And I ascertain that her kindness drew near in her
An apparition for my eye in repetition after my slumber.

٦٦. وَأَشهَدني غَيبي حُضوراً وَغَيبَةً
وَحاشا لَها مِن غَيبَةٍ بَعدَ حَضرَةِ

67. So I stripped its pictured meaning when appearing
Like the limit of place from every picture.

٦٧. وَلَكِن كَلالُ الطَرفِ بِالسَقمِ في الهَوى
أَراني مَغيبي في شَهادَتِيَ الَّتي

68. And I absolved her existence from being localized
And her attributes from being seen as temporal.

٦٨. وَإِن ضِياءَ الشَمسِ عِندَ طُلوعِها
لَمُحتَجِبٌ عَن كُلِ عَينٍ عَمِيَّةِ

69. And I gave her meaning precedence in love
Over her light described as eternal.

٦٩. وَشاهِدُ عَيني في عَياني لَذاتِها
كَذاتي شَهيدٌ في حُضورٍ وَغَيبَةِ

70. And I singled it out without division and did not say
Along with connection, "The light is other than the enlightening."

٧٠. وَإِن كَذَبَ النَفسَ العَيانُ لِعَينِها
تَبَصَّرتُ في رُؤيا الكَرى بِرَوِيَّتي

71. I stand facing time praying to her
With her eternal essence.

٧١. وَأَيقَنتُ أَنَّ اللُطفَ مِنها دَنا بِها
خَيالاً لِعَيني بِالكَرى بَعدَ هَجعَتي

72. And I affirm the appearance in ideals when
The ideal is hidden, and deny its mixture with imagination.

٧٢. فَجَرَّدتُ مَعناها المُصَوَّرُ إِذا بَدا
كَصُورَةِ حَدِّ الأَينِ عَن كُلِّ صورَةِ

73. And I reject embodiment occurring to Layla
That would transport her from us steeds of demise.

٧٣. وَنَزَّهتُ عَن كَونِ المَكانِ كَيانَها
وَأَوصافَها عَن رُؤيَةِ الحَدَثِيَّةِ

74. And I am not like one who spends the night in love lying,
Misleading those of foolish minds.

٧٤. وَأَعطَيتُ مَعناها التَقَدُّمَ في الهَوى
عَلى نورِها المَوصوفُ بِالأَزَلِيَّةِ

75. Swearing to the ignorant from the clan of passion
In love without lineage by his claim.

٧٥. وَأَفرَدتُهُ مِن غَيرِ فَصلٍ وَلم أَقُل
مَعَ الوَصلِ إِنَّ النورَ غَيرَ المُنيرَةِ

76. And he imagines connection from Sulayma though straying
Has distanced him from her by wandering astray.

٧٦. أُقيمُ لَها وَجهَ الزَمانِ مُصَلِّياً
بِتَوجيدِها في ذاتَها الصَمَدِيَّةِ

77. And he claims at times that he is her essence
And denies at times that she dwells in him.

٧٧. وَأَثبَتُ في المِثلِ الظُهرورَ إِذا اِخ
تَفى المِثالُ وَأَنفي مَزجَهث بِالهَوِيَّةِ

78. And by his claim in love he becomes her servant in the morning
And her master without precedence.

٧٨. وَأَنكَرُ مِن لَيلى الحُلولَ بِحَلَّةِ
تَرحَلُها عَنّا مَطايا المَنِيَّةِ

79. So his ignorance combines between contradictions,
Which is impossible for sound minds.

٧٩. وَلَستُ كِمَن أَمسَى عَلى الحُبِّ كاذِباً
مُضِلّاً لِأَصحابِ العُقولِ السَخيفَةِ

80. And he deviates from the justice of love, erring,
Seeking union of distinct existents.

٨٠. يَمينُ عَلى الجُهّالِ مِن عُصبَةِ الهَوى
بِنَسبَتِهِ في الحُبِّ مِن غَيرِ نِسبَةِ

81. How can union be valid when the witnessing
Of vision shows opposites, as some proofs?

٨١. وَيوهِمُ وَصلاً مِن سُلَيمى وَقَد رَمى
بِهِ التيهُ عَنها مُبعِداً بِالرَمِيَّةِ

82. The truth is only what I say, so if you want
The echo to cease, return in passion my way.

٨٢. وَيَزعُمُ طَوراً أَنَّهُ عَينُ عَينُها
وَيُنكِرُ طَوراً أَنَّها فيهِ حَلَّتِ

83. And take from me in love the discourse of the passion
Whose beauty tongues describing it falls short of.

٨٣. وَيُمسي لَها عَبداً بِدَعواهُ في الهَوى
وَيُصبِحُ مَولاها بِغَيرِ مَزِيَّةِ

84. The subtle meanings of beauty manifested through her beauty,
And from her all the subtle meanings appeared.

٨٤. فَيَجمَعُ ما بَينَ النَقيضَينِ جَهلُهُ
وَذاكَ مُحالٌ في العُقولِ الصَحيحَةِ

85. Her overflowing generosity revealed the outpouring of existence,
So her will showed the veil of will.

٨٥. وَيَعدِلُ عَن عَدلِ الهَوى بادٍ عائَهُ ات
تِحاداً لِأَعيانِ الوُجودِ الكَثيرَةِ

86. So for it a door of mercy appeared from its light,
Revealing from it the essence of the highest rank.

٨٦. وَكَيفَ يَصِحُّ الإِتِّحادُ وَشاهِدُ ال
عَيانِ عَلى الأَضدادِ بَعضُ الأَدِلَّةِ

87. So through it the existence of the confidant occurred, and from its
Traits the chosen one of her world of holiness occurred.

٨٧. وَما الحَقُّ إِلّا ما أَقولُ فَإِن تُرِد
زَوالَ الصَدى رُد في الغَرامِ شَريعَتي

88. And the sincere one in love occurred through it, and from it
The purifier was displayed in affection.

٨٨. وَخُذ في الهَوى عَنّي حَديثَ هَوى الَّتي
مُحسِنُها عَن أَلسُنِ الوَصفِ جَلَّتِ

89. The tester of love whose existence occurred
Showed through her confidant the innate dispositions.

٨٩. بَديعَةُ حُسنٍ دَقَّ مَعنى جَمالِها
وَعَنها بَدَت كُلُّ المَعاني الدَقيقَةِ

90. And she meticulously measured with fate the wishes
Of the lady of beauty without consideration.

٩٠. قَضى جودُها فَيضَ الوُجودِ فَأَظهَرَت
مَشيئَتُها قِدماً حِجابَ المَشيئَةِ

91. In cycles appearing without flaws to guide us
To the return of days of reunion like crescent moons.

٩١. فَقامَ لَهُ مِن نورِهِ بابُ رَحمَةٍ
بَدَت عَنهُ ذاتَ الرُتبَةِ الأَلفِيِّةِ

92. She revealed mysteries in the eyes and did not cease
To be at the horizon of the highest celestial sphere.

٩٢. فَكانَ بِهِ كَونُ النَقيبِ وَعَن سَنا
نَقيبُ الهُدى صارَ اِنتِجابُ النَجِيبَةِ

93. Nor did the bodies settle upon her appearance
To our vision in the human form.

٩٣. وَعَنهُ بَدا مُختَصُّ عالَمِ قُدسِها
وَعَنهُ تُبَدّى مُخلِصٌ في المَحَبَّةِ

94. Nor did she betray with might after her victory,
Nor was she incapable in her essence after omnipotence.

٩٤. وَمُمتَحَنُ الحُبِّ الَّذي كَونُهُ بَدا
بِمَخلِصِها أَبدى الفُطورَ لِفِطرَتي

95. The proofs of my heart in the love of her whose beauty
Proved her beauty all proofs have proved.

٩٥. وَأَتقَنَ بِالإِقدارِ مِن رَبَّةِ الخَبا
صَنائِحَ ما شاءَت بِغَيرِ رُوِيَّةِ

96. Had the eye of proof not been for her eye
And her argument, it would not have shown my argument for her.

٩٦. بِدَورٍ بَدَت مِن غَيرِ نَقصٍ لِهَديِنا
إِلى عودِ أَعيادِ اللِقا كَالأَهِلَّةِ

97. And I am not a claimant by my affiliation to passion,
Since my lineage is established amongst lovers.

٩٧. وَأَبدَت سِراراً في العُيونِ وَلَم تَزَل
عَلى الأَوجِ في أُفُقِ البُروجِ العَلِيَّةِ

98. So if you want to gain the solution to what
I have built upon it in passion my belief,

٩٨. وَلَم تَسكُنِ الأَجسامِ عِندَ ظُهورِها
لِأَبصارِنا بِالصورَةِ البَشَرِيَّةِ

99. Then cling to a trusted one inclined from passion
To show you after error the guidance of my path.

٩٩. وَلا خَذَلتُ بِالقَهرِ بَعدَ اِنتِصارِها
وَلا عَجَزَت في ذاتِها بَعدَ قُدرَةِ

100. For if you are born to him, you will attain comfort, born
To a self purified by the concept of passion.

١٠٠. أَدِلَّةُ قَلبي في هَوى مَن بِحُسنِها
عَلى حُسنِها كُلُّ الأَدِلَّةِ دَلَّتِ

101. Whoever travels miles in love of a sublime one
Reaches the destined time of lovers.

١٠١. وَلَو لَم تَكُن عَينَ الدَليلِ لِعَينِها
وَحُجَّتِها لَم تُبدِ فيها مَحَجَّتي

102. And he will not gain her connection except by dashing
The riding beast, unless resolved upon its slaughter.

١٠٢. وَلَستُ دَعِيّاً بِاِنتِسابي إِلى الهَوى
وَقَد ثَبَتَت عِندَ المُحبّينَ نِسبَتي

103. The Hajj in the law of love is but the form
Expressing the hidden meanings.

١٠٣. فَإِن شِئتَ أَن تَحظى بِحَلَّ رُموزِما
عَقدتُ عَلَيهِ في الغَرامِ عَقيدَتي

104. It is the path of guidance for those walking its path,
Its miles and moons of the sun of guardianship.

١٠٤. فَلُذ بِأَمينٍ لِيَميلُ عَنِ الهَوى
يُبِن لَكَ بَعدَ الغَيِّ رَشدَ طَريقَتي

105. The best guide for guidance is its guide,
And its company for the guided is the best company.

١٠٥. فَإِن تَغدُ مَولوداً لَهُ رُحتَ والِداً
لِنَفسٍ بِمَفهومِ الغَرامِ تَزَكَّتِ

106. And the provision of piety for lovers is its provision,
And its mount carries them with resolve.

١٠٦. وَمَن قَطَعَ الأَميالَ في حُبِّ عُلوَةٍ
تَناهى إِلى ميقاتِ أَهلِ المَحَبَّةِ

107. Its hidden poet is he whom passion inspired
With what my talent composed in passion.

١٠٧. وَلِما يَنَل عِنَ الوِصالِ وِصالَها
مُيَمِّمُها إِلّا بِعَقرِ المَطِيَّةِ

108. Its courtyard is a fortress for whoever takes refuge in it
Against alliance with the bigoted.

١٠٨. وَما الحَجُّ في شَرعِ الهَوى غَيرَ صورَةٍ
تُعَبِّرُ عَن كَونِ المَعاني الخَفِيَّةِ

109. Its clarity is the clarity of heart from any turbidity through it
And its manliness therein is the perfection of manliness.

١٠٩. سَبيلَ الهُدى لِسالِكينَ سَبيلَهُ
وَأَميالَهُ وَأَقمارِ شَمسِ الأُبُوَّةِ

110. Its Zamzam is protection, with its water
Removing disharmony from every pure soul.

١١٠. وَخَيرُ دَليلٍ لِلرَشادِ دَليلُهُ
وَصُحبَتِهِ لِلمُهتَدي خَيرُ صُحبَةِ

111. Its Kaaba is protection with the light of its whiteness that
Prepared my eyeight for witnessing Beauty.

١١١. وَزادَ التُقى عِندَ المُحِبّينَ زادَهُ
وَمَركوبُهُم فيها مَطايا العَزيمَةِ

112. Its pinnacle above the pinnacle of beauty is evident
To its hidden, veiled from every eye.

١١٢. وَمَشعَرُهُ المَستورُ عَن غَيرِ شاعِرٍ
بِما اِقتَرَحَتهُ بِالغَرامِ قَريحَتي

113. I am indeed one who made Hajj to the Kaaba of her beauty
And my Hajj to her love perfected with my Umrah.

١١٣. وَفي حِجرِهِ حَجرٌ عَلى كُلِّ لائِذٍ
بِهِ أَن يُوالي عُصبَةَ العَصَبِيَّةِ

114. And in the intimacy of connection, love acquainted me
My station of proximity in passion by her nearness.

١١٤. صَفاهُ صَفاءُ القَلبِ مِن كَدَرٍ بِهِ
وَمَروتُهُ فيها كِمالُ المُروءَةِ

115. I am at the peak of passion in love of her
Though the ignorant disparage me, lacking my status.

١١٥. وَزَمزَمَهُ ميمٌ طَميسٌ بِمائِها
يَزيلُ الصَدى عَن كُلِّ نَفسٍ زَكِيَّةِ

116. So that is my attempt to convey the meaning of the poem from Arabic to English. I aimed to preserve the content and capture the essence while adapting the rhyme and style to English poetry conventions. Please let me know if you would like me to clarify or expand on any part of the translation.

١١٦. وَكَعبَتُهُ ميمٌ بِنارِ بَياضِها اس
تَعَدَّت لِإِبصارِ الجَمالِ بَصيرَتي