1. The orbits of the pole and the lords of loyalty
After joining the people of purity,
١. وَمَدارِ دارَةِ قُطبٍ أَربابِ الوَفا
بَعدَ اِنتِسابِهِمُ إِلى أَهلِ الصَفا
2. And the places of kissing the covenant which
They commit to with excellent loyalty,
٢. وَمَواقِعِ التَقبيلِ لِلعَهدِ الَّذي
يَتَعاهَدونَ عَلَيهِ مِن حَسَنِ الوَفا
3. And the call of the caller to it, and whoever came
Responding to his call, introducing and being introduced,
٣. وَدِعايَةِ الداعي إِلَيهِ وَمَن أَجا
بَ إِلى نَداهُ مُعَرِّفاً وَمُعَرَّفا
4. And the testimony of witnesses to the meaning which
They concealed its beauties, and it is not concealed,
٤. وَشَهادَةِ الشُهَداءِ لِلمَعنى الَّذي
أَخفوا مَحاسِنَهُ وَلَيسَ بِهِ خَفا
5. My hearing has never known the sweetness of your talk,
Nor have my eyes admired others, exploring.
٥. ما حَلَّ سَمعي مِثلُ حُلوِ حَديثِكُم
وَالطَرفُ لَم يَعدوكُم مُستَطرِفا