1. In life with death I lived among the living,
Luxuriously indulging in passionate love through my misery,
١. أَنا بِالمَوتِ عِشتُ في الأَحياءِ
ناعِمَ العَيشِ في الهَوى بِشَقائي
2. And due to his being innocent of reproaching me for it,
My allegiance has been firmly bound to him.
٢. وَلَهُ بِالبَراءِ مِن عُذَّلي فيهِ
لَدَيهِ قَد صَحَّ عَقدُ وَلائي
3. What passion is there in the world like my passion?
Through my demise in it I found my survival,
٣. أَيُّ وَجدٍ بَينَ الوَرى مِثلُ وَجدي
بِفَنائي وَجَدتُ فيهِ بَقائي
4. And by dedicating myself to him I attained my honour,
And through my poverty unto him I gained my wealth.
٤. وَبِذُلّي لَدَيهِ لاقَيتُ عِزّي
وَبِفَقري إِلَيهِ نِلتُ غَنائي
5. So he is my companion whenever I travel
And the most compassionate of intimates.
٥. فَهوَ لي صاحِبٌ إِذا أَنا سافَرتُ
وَفي الأَهلِ أَرأَفُ الحُلَفاءِ
6. He unites opposites in me, upon him
I made my very passions subservient instead of my people.
٦. جامِعٌ لِلنَقيضِ فِيَّ عَلَيهِ
دونَ قَومي جَعَلتُ وَقفاً هَوائي
7. And by him I found my existence,
Before my being, firmness, and tranquility.
٧. وَلَهُ ما بِهِ وَجَدتُ وُجودي
قَبلَ كَوني وَشِدَّتي وَرَخائي