
The veil between the lovers and her is lofty

لعلوة دون العاشقين حجاب

1. The veil between the lovers and her is lofty
Yet they bowed to its door in prostration

١. لِعِلوَةَ دونَ العاشِقينَ حِجابُ
وَبابٌ إِلَيهِ بِالسُجودِ أَنابوا

2. An unbreakable pact, and a covenant
Witnessed and written in tablets

٢. وَعَقدٌ وَثيقٌ لا يُحَلُّ وَذِمَّةٌ
لَها شاهِدٌ بِها وَكِتابُ

3. If the blamer denies my love for her
It is only because I came and they went

٣. فَإِن أَنكَرَ العُذّالُ وَجدي بِحُبِّها
فَما ذاكَ إِلّا أَن حَضَرتُ وَغابوا

4. I knew, so I chose passion, yet in their ignorance
They blamed me for my youthful love

٤. عَرَفتُ فَآثَرتُ الهَوى وَبِجَهلِهِم
بِمَعرِفَتي لي بِالصِبابَةِ عابوا

5. I witnessed the attributes of perfection on her face
While the veil did not contradict what I saw

٥. وَشاهَدتُ أَوصافَ الكَمالِ لِوَجهِها
وَلم يَثَنى عَمّا شَهِدتُ نِقابُ

6. Between the shadows, she and I share a bond
Without physical union, though bodies are dust

٦. وَلي وَلَها بَينَ الظِلالِ تَواصُلٌ
بِغَيرِ مِزاجٍ وَالجُسومُ تُرابُ

7. The time of her acceptance of me, if only
It would last, while people remain wrathful

٧. زَمانَ الرِضى مِنها عَلَيَّ وَلَيتَها
يَدومُ رِضاها وَالأَنامُ غِضابُ

8. Through the five cosmos, I kept seeking
Her aqueous realm, though it is unreachable

٨. وَبِالحَمسَةِ الأَكوانُ ما زِلتُ سالِكاً
إِلى كَونِها المائِيِّ وَهوَ عَبابُ

9. In her luminous realm, I saw her fire
Without a veil, though likenesses veil

٩. وَفي كَونِها النَورِيِّ شاهَدتُ نارَها
بِغَيرِ حِجابٍ وَالمِثالَ حِجابُ

10. You did not veil me from boredom, but rather
To give lovers meaning and answers

١٠. وَما حَجَبتَني عَن مَلالٍ وَإِنِّما
لِمَعنىً لِأَهلِ العِشقِ فيهِ جَوابُ

11. If you distanced me after my nearness, my return
To you is certain, however long the days

١١. وَإِن أَبعَدَتني بَعدَ قُربي فَإِنَّ لي
إِلَيها وَإِن طالض الزَمانُ إِيابُ

12. If my friends think I seek another
What I named is not missed, though sought

١٢. وَإِن ظَنَّ صَحبي أَنَّ قَصدي غَيرَها
فَغَيرُ الَّذي سَمَّيتُ لَيسَ يُصابُ

13. How could my mind roam from you, in your abode's air
As the misguided assumed it would wander

١٣. وَمِن أَينَ لي عَنها وَفي جَوِّ دارِها
ذَهاني كَما ظَنَّ الغُواةُ ذَهابُ