
I traveled, while my heart stayed with you, not looking

رحلت وقلبي عندكم غير ناظر

1. I traveled, while my heart stayed with you, not looking
Toward me, and my eyes glancing back to you.

١. رَحَلتُ وَقَلبي عِندَكُم غَيرُ ناظِرٍ
إِلَيَّ وَطَرفي نَحوَكُم مُتَلَفِّتُ

2. And my heart was not saddened while alive in your nearness.
My body travels from you, though it is lifeless.

٢. وَما ساءَ قَلبي وَهوَ حَيٌّ بِقُربِكُم
تَرَحُّلُ جِسمي عَنكُم وَهوَ مَيِّتُ