
When holding fast to the Family of the House saves from shadows

إذا عصم التمسك من ظلال

1. When holding fast to the Family of the House saves from shadows
The best of the Prophet's family, his Ahl al-Bayt progeny

١. إِذا عَصَمَ التَمَسُّكُ مِن ظَلالٍ
بِأَهلِ البَيتِ أَخيارَ النَبِيِّ

2. None would befriend them but the rightly guided
None would oppose them but the misguided

٢. فَما والاهُمُ إِلّا رَشيدٌ
وَلا عاداهُمُ غَيرُ الغَوِيِّ