
Without passion none would have fallen into fire

لولا الهوى ما هوى في النار من أحد

1. Without passion none would have fallen into fire
Or deviated from the right path, or transgressed the limit;

١. لولاَ الهَوى ما هَوى في النارِ مِن أَحَدٍ
عَنِ الصِراطِ وَلا عَن حَدِّهِ حادا

2. None would have seen the manifest truth and denied it,
Knowingly, out of ignorance and obstinacy.

٢. وَلا رَأى مَشهوداً فَايَنَهُ
عِلماً وَأَنكَرَهُ ظُلماً وَإِلحادا