
O you whom I was charged with loving though you were

يا من كلفت بحبه إذ كان عن

1. O you whom I was charged with loving though you were
veiled from the observer's eye, wearing the garb of caution,

١. يا مَن كَلِفتُ بِحُبِّهِ إِذ كانَ عَن
عَينِ المَلاحِظِ بِالحَيا مُتَبَرقِعا

2. And I granted you the essence of affection, laying down
my soul for you though you were forbidden,

٢. وَمَنَحتُهُ صَفوَ المَوَدَّةِ باذِلاً
لِلنَفسِ فيهِ حَيثُ كانَ مُمَنَّعا

3. And I showed you the face of good advice, wishing
you to rise above baseness,

٣. وَأَرَيتُهُ وَجهَ النَصيحَةِ راغِباً
في أَن يَكونَ عَنِ الخَنا مُتَرَفِّعا

4. And I preserved you with my effort but your opinion, my friend, refused to be lost,
I was let down in my good expectations of you, so farewell

٤. وَحَفِظتُهُ جُهدي وَلَكِن رَأيُهُ ال
بادجي أَبى أَلّا يَكونَ مُضَيَّعا

5. at the gravesite, may you not return to bid goodbye,
You exposed yourself to the arrows but paid no heed to

٥. أَخلَفتُ حُسنَ الظَنَّ فيكَ فَهُن عَلى
قُربِ المَزارِ فَلا رَجِعتَ مُوَدَّعا

6. the words of one who had become your defamer,
Or had you not given me a pact to always remain

٦. عَرَّضتَ نَفسَكَ لِلنِبالِ فَلَم تُبَل
بِمقالِ مَن أَضحى عَلَيكَ مُشَنِّعا

7. veiled from the world?
And I admonished your heart but it would not heed,

٧. أَو لَم تَكُن أَعطَيتَني عَهداً عَلى
أَن لا تَزالَ عَنِ الوَرى مُتَبَرقِعا

8. And I appealed to your hearing but you did not listen,
So I despaired of reforming you when I found no hope

٨. وَلَقَد وَعِظتُ القَلبَ مِنكَ فَما اِرعَوى
وَقَرَعتُ سَمعَكَ بِالمَلامِ فَما وَعى

9. in my advice for your betterment,

٩. فَرَفَضتُ يَأسي مِنكَ لَمّا لَم أَجِد
لي بِالنَصيحَةِ في صَلاحِكَ مَطمَعا