1. I gained no hopes from you through our meeting,
Since being away from you is now my state.
١. لا نِلتُ مِنكُم بِاللِقا آمالي
إِن حالَ عَنكُم بِالتَباعُدِ حالي
2. Yet with your beauty I'm still infatuated,
For your sublime charm is precious to me.
٢. وَأَلِيَّةً بِجَميلُكُم قَبلَ الجَفا
وَجَمالِكُم ذاكَ العَزيزِ الغالي
3. I'm the most compliant of those in love,
Obedient to passion, though people blame me.
٣. إِنّي لِأَطوَعُ مَن تَهاوى لِلهَوى
طَوعاً وَأَعصى الناسَ لِلعُذّالِ
4. O neighbors, your departure saddened me,
Your journey has made my burdens double.
٤. يا جيرَةً خَفَّ السُراةُ بِعيسِهِم
فَتَضاعَفَت بِمَسيرِهِم أَثقالي
5. My soul finds rest when you gather at dawn,
But anxiety increases when dusk does fall.
٥. تَرتاحُ روحي بِالغَداةِ لِنَشرِكُم
وَيَزيدُها قَلَقاً مَعَ الآصالِ