
What will be for one who dies

يكون ماذا لمن يموت

1. What will be for one who dies
A garment with which he is shrouded and food

١. يَكونُ ماذا لِمَن يَموتُ
ثَوبٌ يُوارى بِهِ وَقوتُ

2. Does a man fear missing out on something
When in pursuing his goal his life passes by

٢. أَيَحذَربُ المَرءُ فَوتَ أَمرٍ
في قَصدِهِ عُمرُهُ يَفوتُ

3. What is free in the house other than a slave
Whose hated toil has made him wealthy

٣. ما الحَرُّ في الدارِ غَيرُ عَبدٍ
أَغناهُ عَن كَدِّهِ المُقيتُ

4. When his worries ended with delusions
There came to him in his vanishing, certainty

٤. لَمّا اِنتَهى هَمُّهُ بِوَهمٍ
أَتاهُ في مَحوِهِ الثُبوتُ