
The cycles of existence are

دور الوجود لعيني

1. The cycles of existence are
For my eyes epitomized

١. دَورُ الوُجودِ لِعَيني
بُكَورِهِ قَد تَسَلسَل

2. In the dawning of each day
That succeeds the passing night.

٢. كَما لِآخِرِ آنٍ
تاليهِ يُصبِحُ أَوَّل

3. Of that far and absent Light,
For naught in Truth can e'er be lost

٣. وَذا مِثالٌ قَريبٌ
عَنهُ البَعيدُ مُغَفَّل

4. To falsehood's fading plight.
And the Word's essential meaning

٤. وَلَيسَ في الحَقِّ شَيءٌ
بِباطِلِ الحَقِّ يُبطَل

5. To mankind is now revealed,
While all wealth spent faithfully

٥. وَمُجمَلُ القَولِ فيهِ
بَينَ الأَنامِ مُفَصَّل

6. To each trustee is sealed.
So no wastrel's lame excuses

٦. وَكُلُّ مَصروفِ مالٍ
عَلى الوَكيلِ مُكَمَّل

7. Can a keeper's duty void,
Nor begrudgingly accepted

٧. فَعُذرُ كُلِّ مُضيعٍ
لِحافِظٍ لَيسَ يُقبَل