1. The silliest of mankind is he who finds
Himself represented only by mob opinion.
١. أَغبى الوَرى مِن لَم يَجِد نَفسَهُ
تَخُصُّهُ إِلّا بِرَأيِ العَوامِ
2. And farthest from truth is he who tries
To reach truth through theological opinion.
٢. وَأَبعَدَ الخَلقُ عَنِ الحَقِّ مَن
يُحاوِلُ الحَقَّ بِعِلمِ الكَلامِ
3. Rather, by following the inward spirit of outward forms
Sent down by God to guide all humanity.
٣. بَل بِاِقتِفا الباطِنِ مِن ظاهِرٍ
أَنزَلَهُ اللَهُ هُدىً لِلأَنامِ