1. With truth's light you have gained insight and grasped reality
With the eye of certainty, not to be disputed by conjecture
١. تَبَصَّر بِنورِ الحَقِّ تَلقَ حَقيقَةً
بِعَينِ يَقينِ لا يُدافِعُها الظَنُّ
2. Be not content in imitation, else you persist deluded
In the sadness of misguidance, from which sadness will not part
٢. وَلا تَرضَ بِالتَقليدِ تَغدُ مُخَلَّداً
بِحُزنِ ضَلالٍ لا يُفارِقُهُ الحُزنُ