
I love you with a love that has surpassed love itself

أحبك حبا جاوز الحب بعضه

1. I love you with a love that has surpassed love itself
And in all my life it cannot be matched

١. أُحِبُّكَ حُبّاً جاوَزَ الحُبَّ بَعضُهُ
وَفي طولِ عُمري لَيسَ يُمكِنُ عَرضَهُ

2. Extra worship for me has become my night vigil
With the mention of you, O you for whom love is an obligation

٢. وَنافِلَةً لي مِنكَ أَمسى تَهَجُّدي
بِذِكرِكَ يا مَن سُنَّةُ الحُبِّ فَرضُهُ

3. And my passion for you remains and increases
From the ignorant who hates passion

٣. وَخالِدُ وَجدي في هَواكَ يَزيدُهُ
مِنَ الجاهِلُ اللاحي عَلى العِشقِ بُغضُهُ

4. It is right for one like me to be enamored with the likes of one
Who encompasses all beauty on earth as his land

٤. وَحُقَّ لِمِثلي أَن يَهيمَ بِمِثلِ مَن
سَما كُلِّ حُسنٍ في البَرِيَّةِ أَرضُهُ