1. The abode of lovers consumed by passion, and the humility of the plaintive one
The honor of the confidant, to whom complaints are made
١. وَمَقامَ أَربابِ الغَرامِ وَذِلَّةِ الشاكي
وَعِزَّةِ مَن إِلَيهِ المُشتَكى
2. The pacts of lovers, and he who holds fast
To the rope of devotion in his love
٢. وَعُقودِ عَهدِ العاشِقينَ وَمَن غَدا
بِعُرى الوُلا في عِشقِهِ مُتَمَسِّكا
3. The invocation of the invoker to the people of passion
And the response of the called among them with weeping
٣. وَدِعايَةِ الداعي إِلى أَهلِ الهَوى
وَإِجابَةِ المَدعُوِّ فيهِ بِالبُكا
4. I have not been unfaithful to the loyalty you pledged
To you, nor have I from you sought to turn away
٤. ما حُلتُ عَمّا تَعهَدونَ مِنَ الوَفا
لِكُم وَلا حاوَلتُ عَنكُم مَسلَكا