1. Why does rightfulness flee from you?
You killed without being a killer,
١. عَلامَ وَالقَدُّ مِنكَ عادِل
قَتَلتِ بِالهَجرِ غَيرَ قاتِل
2. How could you turn away from my affection?
While my love for you was ever loyal.
٢. وَكَيفَ أَعرَضتِ عَن وِصالي
وَصِدقَ وُدّي إِلَيكَ واصِل
3. O you, epitome of beauty and meaning,
Adorned with pearls and anklets' tinkle.
٣. يا رَبَّةَ الحُسنِ وَالمَعاني
وَزينَةَ الدُرِّ وَالخُلاخِل
4. Favor me in my poverty with a visit,
To break the messages that between us dwindle.
٤. جودي عَلى فاقَتي بِوَصلٍ
يَقطَعُ ما بَينَنا الرَسائِل
5. And be mindful of God regarding one made frail,
Who bears the burden of passions grown cumbersome.
٥. وَراقِبي اللَهَ في ضَعيفٍ
أَمسى لِثَقيلِ الغَرامِ حامِل
6. In you lies the cure for his discontent,
With an embrace to match what sorrows crumple.
٦. بِهِ غَليلٌ لَدَيكَ يُشفى
بِضَمِّ ما ضَمَّتِ الغَلائِل
7. Renew your bond to him, your wont renew,
To a body sickness has left shrunken and feeble.
٧. وَعاوِدي وَصلَهُ وَعودي
جِسماً بَراهُ السَقامُ ناحِل
8. None but you can sate the pouring of his tears,
Spilling for love of you, imploring and restless.
٨. وَلا يُرَوّي سِواكِ صَبّاً
مَدمَعُهُ في هَواكِ سائِل