
Another changes him from the ancient pact

غيري يغيره عن العهد القلى

1. Another changes him from the ancient pact
And harms him, though harm to him was forbidden

١. غَيري يُغَيِّرُهُ عَنِ العَهدِ القَلى
وَيَسوءُهُ مِمَّن تَهاواهُ الأَذى

2. While I who in love am made most hapless
Delight in it, made joyous by its fire

٢. وَأَنا الَّذي في الحُبِّ أُمسي بِالشَقا
مُتَنَعِّماً وَبِنارِهِ مُتَلَذِّذا

3. I fold my wings through love though harm await
And close my eyes to burning embers' sparks

٣. أَطوي الجَوانِحَ في هَوايَ عَلى الأَذى
وَأَغُضُّ أَجفاني عَلى جَمرِ القَذى

4. And by love guard myself lest I should see
From tyrants of love's rule myself guarding

٤. وَأَعيذُ نَفسي بِالهَوى مِن أَن أُرى
مِن جَورِ حُكّامِ الهَوى مُتَعَوِّذا