
I clear my eyes of knowledge portrayed as destiny

أنزه العين عن علم يصوره

1. I clear my eyes of knowledge portrayed as destiny
Though the eye's glance sees it as images

١. أُنَزِّهُ العَينَ عَن عِلمٍ يُصَوِّرُهُ
حَدٌّ وَإِن لَحَظَتهُ العَينُ كَالصُوَرِ

2. And I take from incapacity and contrivance wherever they appear
To reveal what always was from fate

٢. وَأَسلُبُ العَجزَ وَالتَخطيطِ حَيثُ بَدا
مِنهُ لِإِظهارِ ما أَبدا مِنَ القَدَرِ