1. I drank from the wine as much as was poured for me
In cups by a beautiful and cheerful host
١. شَرِبتُ مِنَ الحُمَيّا ما سَقَتني
بِكاساتِ المُحَيّا ذاتُ حُسنِ
2. So my sobriety was revealed to my friends
By my intoxication with that which enthralled me
٢. فَبانَ بِسَكرَتي صَحوي لِصَحبي
بِإِثباتِ الَّذي فيهِ مَحَتني
3. And it made me find with it my non-existence as existence
For every lasting fortune in me is fleeting
٣. وَأَوجَدَني بِها عَدَمي وَجوداً
لِكُلِّ بَقاءِ حَظٍّ فِيَّ مُفني
4. And it gave me life, so it revived me with my death
By freeing me, a bird, when it entrapped me
٤. وَحَيَّتني فَأَحيَتني بِمَوتي
بِنَشري طائِراً لَمّا طَوَتني
5. And it narrated me and narrated me, and from it
And with love of love, it imprisoned me in my cage
٥. وَأَقصَتني وَقَصَتني وَمِنها
وَبِحُبِّ الحُبِّ في قَفَصي حَبَتني
6. Hens came cooing to us
With eggs in an embrace within embrace
٦. دَجاجاتٌ دَجىً جاءَت إِلَينا
بِبَيضِ البيضِ في حَضَنٍ بِحُضنِ
7. For a rooster, what you have, he has it and from
Him the call to prayer removed from me and deafened my ear
٧. لِديكٍ ما لَدَيكَ لَهُ وَمِن
هُ الأَذانُ أَزالَ عَنّي وَقرَ أُذُني
8. So my rapture with it, my rapture is to it
And from the eye of the transgressors, to you from me
٨. فَيا طَرَبي بِهِ طِربي إِلَيهِ
وَعَن عَينِ الغَلاةِ إِلَيكَ عَنّي
9. If I smelled an aroma from it for familiarity
I would attain the utmost of wishes from joy
٩. فَلَو لِلعُرفِ مِنهُ شَمَمتُ عَرفاً
لَنِلتُ مِنَ المُنى أَقصى التَمَنّي
10. And if the crow loved you to kill you
It would restore you as a bird after burial
١٠. وَلَو أَن الغُرابَ حَباكَ قَتلاً
أَعادَكَ طائِراً مِن بَعدِ دَفنِ
11. And if fate made you a sparrow
You would not escape from it as free hawks
١١. وَعُصفوراً ثَناكَ تُري المَنايا
صُقوراً لَم تَفُز مِنهُ بِمَنِّ