1. I refused the way of the ascetics as support
So that sensual pleasures turn from my faith because of my worldliness
١. رَفَضتُ سُنَّةَ أَهلِ الزُهدِ مُعتَمِداً
لِيَرغَبَ الغَمرُ عَن ديني بِدُنيائي
2. And I went about freely indulging in vain amusements in secret
From a blinkered critic, blind to the light of my meanings
٢. وَرُحتُ في طَيِّ نَشرِ اللَهوِ مُستَتِراً
عَن ناظِرٍ أَكَمَهٍ عَن نورِ مَعنائي
3. And in my privacy the command of my Master appeared to me
To enjoy myself in my home without guilt
٣. وَفي خَفائي بَدا لي بِالتَنَعُّمِ في
دارَيَّ مِن غَيرِ إِثمٍ أَمرُ مَولائي