1. My heart's passion suits frivolity,
And in his rosy cheek, staring suits.
١. يمِثلِ هَوى قَلبي يَليقُ التَبَهرُجُ
وَفي رَوضِ خَدَّيهِ يَروقُ التَفَرُّجُ
2. My love for him is old, though fresh his youth,
And up the ages he ascends by slow degrees.
٢. وَوَجدي قَديمٌ في هَواهُ حَدثُهُ
وَفي عَرضِهِ طولَ الأَحايينِ يَدرُجُ
3. I came impassioned to his camp and those
Who curve on the hung litter mocked my madness.
٣. إِلى نَجدِهِ أَمسَيتُ بِالوَجدِ عارَجاً
وَفي المُنحَنى العُذالُ بِالغَورِ عَرَّجوا
4. For I was loyal to the white-clad throng,
While unto him and to the murky tribe they clung.
٤. لِأَنّي على البَيضاءِ أَوَّبتُ دونَهُم
إِلَيهِ وَفي الوَعساءِ عَنِّيَ أَدلَجوا
5. I kept the right path firmly, straightly steered,
While they the winding road of error followed.
٥. قَدِمتُ عَلى الخَطَّ القَويمِ مُقَوَّماً
وَمالوا إِلى مُعوَجِّهِ فَتَعَرَّجوا
6. In him is my repose; from him no power can move me,
And my straight path to truth allows no egress.
٦. فَفيهِ سُكوني عَنهُ مالي مُحَرِّكٌ
وَمَدخَلُ صِدقي لَيسَ لي عَنهُ مَخرَجُ
7. Small wonder that one like him bears fruits of glory,
While unto time he yields harvest, and age on age.
٧. وَلا غَروَ أَن يَمضي بِإِنتاجِ مِث
لِهِ الزَمانُ عَقيماً وَهوَ لِلدَهرِ مُنتَجُ
8. The flashing of his cheeks gives light to them
Who by the spirit's path ascend unto his heights.
٨. وَبَرقُ ثَناياهُ بُراقٌ لِمَن إِلى
مَعارِجَهُ لِلروحِ بِالرَوحِ يَعرُجُ