
My understanding of poetry, whose meaning I convey

فهم الشعر الذي أقرب معناه

1. My understanding of poetry, whose meaning I convey
To others unlike me, is far removed.

١. فَهمُ الشِعرِ الَّذي أُقَرِّبُ مَعناهُ
عَلى غَيري شاعِرٍ بي بَعيدُ

2. Time creates that which you find in eras -
In it are ages, yet it is ever new.

٢. يُخلِقُ الدَهرَ ما تُجِدُّ مِنَ الآجالِ
فيهِ الأَزمانُ وَهوَ جَديدُ