1. The evil of God's servants is with the benevolent
He who denied the promise of Judgment Day
١. عِندَ وَلِيَّ الخَيرِ شَرُّ العِباد
مَن أَنكَرَ الوَعدَ بِيَومِ المَعاد
2. And whom the abode of frivolity has distracted
From the guidance of success it has misled
٢. وَمَن بِدارِ اللَهوِ أَلهاهُ ما
أَغواهُ عَن جَدٍّ لِجيدِ الرَشاد
3. He escaped from help like Pharaoh
So he became a companion of the hellfire like Aad
٣. فَرَّ عَنِ العَونِ بِفِرعَونِهِ
فَعادَ في النارِ قَريناً لِعاد
4. Treachery deserted him from the people of loyalty
After clarity from the turbidity in position
٤. غادَرَهُ الغَدرُ بِأَهلِ الوَفا
بَعدَ الصَفا مِن كَدَرٍ في مِهاد
5. His money did not avail him with wealth
Nor status grant him any benefit
٥. لَم يُغنِ عَنهُ بِالغِنى مالُهُ
وَلا إِلى الجاهِ التَجاهُ أَفاد