
To you I confide my people's supplies to enliven me,

إليك أنسي بناسي زاد إيحاشي

1. To you I confide my people's supplies to enliven me,
And from you my proximity has distanced the slanderer.

١. إِلَيكَ أُنسي بِناسي زادِ إيحاشي
وَمِنكَ قُربِيَ عَنّي أَبعَدَ الواشي

2. In you the enemies combine against me dispersing separation,
When they were provoked by what they saw of my fervor.

٢. وَفيكَ جَمعُ العِدى عَنّي اِنثَوا فِرقاً
لَمّا اِستَجاشوا بِما لاقوهُ مِن جاشي

3. And when through you my piety in meeting them became at dawn,
I did not cast at them any arrow but a gentle one.

٣. وَإِذ بِكَ أَضحى اِتِّقائي في لِقائِهِم
لَم أُرمَ مِنهُم بِسَهمٍ غَير طَيّاشِ

4. And whatever bounty from you has departed to me unsolicited,
I did not meet death in you except with a smiling face.

٤. وَلا وَما مِنكَ لي قَد راحَ نافِلَةً
لَم أَلقَ فيكَ المَنايا غَيرَ بَشّاشِ

5. And in your testing of me I followed sincerely
The people of your specialization in myself for my invigoration.

٥. وَفي اِمتِحانِكَ لي أَخلَصتُ مُتَّبِعاً
أَهلَ اِختِصاصِكَ في نَفسي لِإِنعاشي

6. They went while I strode to your loftiness alone,
And where can the walker reach the track of the flying bird?

٦. مَشوا وَطِرتُ إِلى عَلياكَ مُنفَرِداً
وَأَينَ يَدرِكُ إِثرَ الطائِرِ الماشي

7. And if they swerved from you with intention, I hastened
To your satisfaction, if none shall attain it but the energetic.

٧. وَإِذا وَنوا عَنكَ في قَصدٍ بِطَشتُ إِلى
رِضاكَ إِذا لَم يَنَلهُ غَيرُ بِطّاشِ

8. And they attempted to divert me from you when they were hostile,
But can a rational being be swayed by the words of the foolish?

٨. وَحاوَلوا بِيَ عَدلاً عَنكَ إِذ عَذَلوا
وَهَل يُميلُ لَبيباً قَولُ أَوباشِ

9. And my being devoid of your love is inconceivable, and has not
Ceased in my constitution since my youth, the forgetful.

٩. وَمُستَحيلٌ خَلُوّي مِن هَواكَ وَلَم
يَنفَكُّ في جُملَتي مِن نَشأَتي ناشي

10. And I have not disclosed what is folded, and its appearance
Is concealed - the dim-sighted perceives it not.

١٠. وَما نَشَرتُ فَمَطوِيٌّ وَمُظهِرُهُ
فَمُضمِرٌ لا تَراهُ مُقلَةُ العاشي

11. And in the corners are hidden secrets not grasped
By any who has dealt with concealments but the searcher.

١١. وَفي الزَوايا خَبايا لَيسَ يُدرِكُها
مِمَّن تَعاطى الخَفايا غَيرُ فَتّاشِ