
They said: Pitch your tents in the meadow of Layla, and I said: Is there any meadow but hers for me to camp in?

قالوا أنخ بحمى ليلى فقلت وهل

1. They said: Pitch your tents in the meadow of Layla, and I said: Is there any meadow but hers for me to camp in?
They said: The valley where she dwells stretches eastward, and I said: Does any direction matter when she's not in the west?

١. قالوا أَنِخ بِحِمى لَيلى فَقُلتُ وَهَل
سِوى حِماها مُناخٌ كَي يُحَلَّ بِهِ

2. They said: Retreat to the cave of slumber now, and I said: Without her, that cave brings no rest.
They said: Her tomb is there, I said: Though veiled from my sight, before my eyes it still appears.

٢. قالوا فَشَرقِيُّ واديها فَقُلتُ وَهَل
شَرقِيُّهُ وَهيَ فيهِ غَيرُ مَغرِبِهِ

٣. قالوا فَآوي إِلى كَهفِ الرُقودِ بشهِ
فَقُلتُ لَم أُلفَ فيهِ غَيرَ مُنتَبِهِ

٤. قالوا فَمَشهَدُها قُلتُ المَغيبُ بِهِ
عَنّي أَراهُ بِعَيني في تَقَلُّبِهِ