1. I did not go to you as a messenger of hopes
If I had any intention other than you to seek
١. لا رُحتُ لِلآمالِ مِنكَ مُبَلِّغاً
إِن كانَ لي في قَصدِ غَيرِكَ مُبتَغى
2. And when to any word but yours I lent an ear
My hearing and heart from your guidance did not abstain
٢. وَمَتى لِقَولِ سِواكَ أَضحى مُصغِياً
سَمعي وَقَلبي عَن رَشادِكَ ما صَنا
3. O you whom with love I am filled, for him I yearn
From people's preoccupations I have been set free
٣. يا مَن مُلِئتُ بِحُبِّهِ وَجداً بِهِ
أَمسَيتُ مِن شُغلِ الأَنامِ مُفَرَّغا
4. Neither comer nor goer in your shade is denied
Clear for whom upon it protection is bestowed
٤. لَم يَظمَ وارِدُ عَينِ ظِلِّكَ لا وَلا
ضَحٌّ لِمَن أَضحى عَلَيهِ مُسبَغا
5. Thus my heart spoke no lies, nor my eyes untrue
My sight from it did not stray nor transgress its view
٥. وَكَذاكَ ما كَذَبَ الفُؤادَ وَما رَأى
بَصَري لَهُ ما زاغَ عَنهُ وَما طَغى
6. Therefore what it made firm, cannot be erased
A vision of the absent One, in whom my thoughts are plunged
٦. فَلِذاكَ لَم يُمحَ الَّذي أَثبَتَهُ
لي مَشهِداً بِالغَيبِ مَن فيهِ لَغا
7. O you for whom I am distracted, and my love for you
And but you, my face to turn nowhere else sought
٧. يا مَن بِهِ وَلَهي وَمِن حُبّي لَهُ
وَسِواهُ وَجهي لِلتَوَجُّهِ ما اِبتَغى
8. Hasten my patience's return to you
I will make those who sought drink the cup of death
٨. عَجِّل بِصَبري فيكَ رَجعَةَ كَرَّتي
لَأُذيقَ كَأسَ المَوتِ مُهجَةَ مَن بَغى
9. Upon you, what is between me and all creation
Of enviers and adversaries on the day of agony
٩. فَعَلَيكَ ما بَيني وَما بَينَ الوَرى
مِن حاسِدٍ وَمُعانِدٍ يَومَ الوَغى
10. And I defeated the oath-breakers for my pledge
When I from their abode a camel hamstrung
١٠. وَلَقَد هُزَمتُ الناكِثينَ لِبَيعَتي
لِمّا عَقَرتُ بِحَيِّهِم جَمَلاً رَغا