
Hope has grasped despair, outstretched is hope,

لقد قبض اليأس بسط الرجا

1. Hope has grasped despair, outstretched is hope,
With the sun of the forenoon in the crescent of nightfall,

١. لَقَد قَبَضَ اليَأسَ بَسطُ الرَجا
بِشَمسِ الضُحى في هِلالِ الدُجى

2. So I hurried in its pursuit,
Though on my journey I was shrouded in darkness,

٢. فَأَوَّبتُ في قَصدِهِ مُسرِعاً
وَقَد كُنتُ في سَفَري مُدلِجا

3. And when I reached her abode,
I was delivered from the crescent and attained salvation,

٣. وَلَمّا وَصَلتُ إِلى دارِها
أَمِنتُ الهَلالَ وَنِلتُ النَجا

4. And my arrival at her door
Was for me a way out of sorrow upon sorrow,

٤. وَكانَ وُصولي إِلى بابِها
مِنَ الحُزنِ وَالحَزَنِ لي مَخرَجا

5. So I became a path to al-Salasabil
And my words an authority for the reverent.

٥. فَصِرتُ سَبيلاً إِلى السَلسَبيلِ
وَقَولِيَ حُجَّةُ أَهلِ الحِجى