
I languished in my love for him though he inclined

تسننت في عشقي له وهو شيعة

1. I languished in my love for him though he inclined
To another, seeking what he wished to find.

١. تَسَنَّنتُ في عِشقي لَهُ وَهوَ شيعَةٌ
لَغَيرِيَ فيما يَبتَغيهِ مُريدُ

2. And in the sea of passion now my days are whiled
For loving him has only passion refined.

٢. وَأَصبَحتُ في بَحرِ الصَبابَةِ خالِداً
لِأَنَّ غَرامي في هَواهُ يَزيدُ