1. His poetry shows its affection, shaking me,
The sword of his verse and its piercing spear,
١. والشعر يبدي عطفَه ويهزَّني
سيف القريض ورمحُه الدَّعاسا
2. From one whose times have turned away from him,
I heard his eternal revelation clamorously.
٢. من طرقت عنه صروفُ زمانهِ
سمعاً أزلَّ وحيه نهَّاسا
3. It flows to the king whose face is lit with joy,
A sun, and its comfort is a pouring rain.
٣. يسري إلى مَلكِ تهلَّل وجههُ
شمساً وراحتُه ندى رجَّاسا
4. It shoots with the fates an empowered shot,
His opinions were made bows for its arrows.
٤. ترمي مع الأقدارِ رميَ مؤيدٍ
جُعلت لأسهمِ رأيه أقواسا
5. It mingled with the eye and ear of time,
Never tiring of intimacy and whispering.
٥. قد عاورت عينُ الزمانِ وأُذنُه
ما تسأمُ الإيناسَ والإنجاسا
6. And a written legion of horsemen
Who show no fear or drawing back.
٦. وكتيبةِ مكتوبةٍ بفوارسِ
يلقونَ لاكَشفاً ولا أنكاسا
7. When armies understand his book,
They submit to one who tamed affairs and established them.
٧. فإذا تفهمت الجيوشُ كتابه
دانت لمن راض الأمورَ وساسا
8. As if the aroused lances are an impenetrable darkness
Their tips emitting sparks from them.
٨. وكأنَّما النقعُ المثارُ دُجنَّةٌ
تقد الأسنَّةُ منهمُ أقباسا
9. As if the steeds' charges are adorned troops
Crossing from his meadows in detachments.
٩. وكأنَّما غُررُ الجيادِ أهلَّةٌ
يقطعن من هنواته أغلاسا
10. You'd think his sword dragged the galaxy's train,
And destiny was set in motion in it as clothing.
١٠. وتخاله سلَّ المجرَّةَ سيفُهُ
وتحَّرك العيَّوقُ فيه لباسا