
I was ennobled by Yahya, yet I was not made more beautiful,

شرفت بيحيى فلم أجمل

1. I was ennobled by Yahya, yet I was not made more beautiful,
And I excelled through my own merit, yet I was not made more excellent.

١. شرفتُ بيحيى فلم أُجملِ
وفتُّ بفضلي فلم أفضل

2. I burned the heart of the enemy with humiliation,
And I delighted the eye of the guardian with might.

٢. وأحرقتُ بالذّلِّ قلبَ العدو
وأقررتُ بالعزِّ عينَ الولي

3. My ambition carried me high until
My destiny ascended above the stars.

٣. سَمَت همتي بي حتى اعتلى
على النجمِ قدريَ المعتلي

4. A leader whose face shows
The attributes of the Prophet, especially Ali.

٤. إمامٌ تُميّزُ في وجههِ
صفاتِ النبيِّ وسيما عليِّ