
The children of Fatima are the messengers of nobility, they were nurtured

أبناء فاطمة رسل العلا رضعوا

1. The children of Fatima are the messengers of nobility, they were nurtured
And with generosity they spend their mornings and with open-handedness when they are weaned

١. أبناءُ فاطمةٍ رسلُ العُلا رضعوا
وبالسَّماحِ غدوا والجودِ إذ فطموا

2. They are a people when the tribes swear that they
Are the best of creation, their oath does not prove false

٢. قومٌ إذا حلف الأقوامُ أنَّهُمُ
خيرُ البرّيةِ لم يحنث لهم قسمُ

3. For them is an abode of honor inscribed in the heavens
A house which the Arabs and non-Arabs flock to

٣. سما لهم في سماءِ المجدِ من شرفِ
بيتٌ تداعت إليه العُربُ والعجَمُ

4. Virtues which rise with every act of nobility
As if they were the scent smelled at the peak of glory

٤. مناقبٌ سمحت في كلِّ مكرمةٍ
كانَّما هي في أنف العُلا شَمَمُ