
I complain to God of two fires, one

أشكو إلى الله من نارين واحدة

1. I complain to God of two fires, one
In my cheeks, the other in my liver

١. أشكو إلى الله من نارَيْن واحدة
في وَجْنَتيْه وأخرى منه في كَبِدي

2. And of two ailments, an ailment that made my blood ill
From my eyelids, and an ailment that settled in my body

٢. ومِن سَقامَيْن سُقْم قد أحلَّ دمي
من الجُفون وسُقم حَلَّ في جَسدي

3. And of two slumbers, my tears when I remember him
Spread my secret, and a watcher watching me

٣. ومِن نَمُومَيْن دمعي حين أذكُره
يُذيعُ سِرّي وواشٍ منه بالرَّصَد

4. And of two weaknesses, my patience when I remember him
And his love, and people see him willingly in my hands

٤. ومن ضعيفين صَبْرِي حين أذكره
وودّه ويراه الناسُ طَوْعَ يدي

5. Sighing tenderly until I said in wonder
Is his waist my waist or is his skin my skin

٥. مُهَفْهفٌ رقّ حتى قلتُ من عَجَبٍ
أَخْصَرُه خِنْصَري أم جِلْدُه جَلَدي