
The secret of life and the evil of death

سر حياة وشر موت

1. The secret of life and the evil of death
The life of a soul and the death of a heart

١. سِرُّ حَياةٍ وشَرُّ مَوتٍ
حياةُ نَفسٍ وَمَوْتُ قلبِ

2. Two parties of falsehood and truth
That have not ceased their mighty war

٢. حِزْبان مِن باطلٍ وحَقٍّ
ما بَرِحَا في عظيمِ حَرْبِ

3. So the being of this one is in the bliss of spirit
And the being of that one is in the painful suffering

٣. فَكَوْنُ ذا في نعيمِ رُوحٍ
بكَوْنِ ذا في أليم كَرْبِ