
The caller of passion importuned weakness, so it complied

ألب داعي الهوى وهنا فلباها

1. The caller of passion importuned weakness, so it complied
A heart came to it, and were it not for the memory of her, it would have been lost

١. أَلَبَّ داعي الهوى وَهْنَاً فلَبّاها
قلبٌ أتاها ولولا ذِكرُها تاها

2. She recited to us the folds of passion in lines
Since we saw her eyes, we have not forgotten them

٢. تَلَتْ علينا ثناياها سُطورَ هوىً
لم نَنْسَها مُذْ وَعَيْناها وَعَيْناها

3. And she introduced to us their meanings that dazzled
The ways of love, so we understood when we understood her

٣. وعَرَّفْتنا معانيها التي بَهَرَتْ
سُبْلَ الغرام فَهِمْنا إذ فَهِمْناها

4. I shunned sins and what is beneath the veil for her
And I did not violate her sanctity, rather I protected her

٤. عِفْتُ الأَثام وما تحت اللِّثامِ لها
وما اسْتَبَحْتُ حِماها بل حُمَيّاها

5. O seeker of love, go slowly, for the pursuit of it
Makes the heedless forget, with most of it, God

٥. يا طالبَ الحُبّ مَهْلاً إنّ مَطْلَبه
يُنسي بأكثره اللاهي به اللهَ

6. And do not wish for matters whose inner reality is ruin
For many a soul has ended in its demise

٦. ولا تَمَنَّ أُموراً غِبُّها عَطَبٌ
فَرُبَّ نفسٍ مُناها في مَناياها

7. The most beneficial of possessions is piety, the most sublime
If we place souls in it, we elevate them

٧. فَأَنْفَعُ العُدَد التقوى وأرْفَعُها
لأَنْفُسٍ إن وَضَعْناها أَضَعْناها