
I asked him for a kiss the day we parted, but he refused.

سألته اللثم يوم البين فالتثما

1. I asked him for a kiss the day we parted, but he refused.
Lost in confusion, he would not turn his mouth to mine.

١. سألتُه اللَّثْمَ يومَ البين فالْتَثما
وصَدَّه التِّيهُ أنْ يَثْنِي إليَّ فَما

2. How can I seek affection from one so aloof?
I asked him for a goodbye kiss, but no kiss came.

٢. فكيف أطلُب حِفظ الودّ من صَلِفٍ
سألتُه قُبلَةً يوم الوَداع فما