1. Is there a way to the saliva of the kisser, my blood?
Nothing eliminates that pain except her lips.
١. هل من سبيلٍ إلى رِيقِ المُريقِ دَمي
فما يُزيل سِوى ذاك اللَّمى ألَمي
2. It heals those who degrade the pearls with their speech,
In prose and poetry, with the full moons of lips and words.
٢. يَشْفِي به من يُهينُ الدُّرَّ مَنْطِقُها
نَظْمَاً ونثراً بدُرِّ الثَّغر والكِلَمِ
3. A gazelle that grazes the fever of my heart and drinks
My tears to settle down, from my chest to the sanctuary.
٣. رَوْدٌ تَرودُ حِمى قَلْبِي وتشربُ من
دَمْعِي وتسكن من صدري إلى حَرم
4. Her beauties called the lovers announcing
That wishes and desires are in my eyelids and mouth.
٤. نادتْ محاسِنها العُشّاقَ مُعلِنةً
أنّ المَنى والمُنى في مُقْلتي وفمي
5. I did not arbitrate between her eyes and mouth
Except I was distracted from the two opponents by the judge.
٥. فما احْتكمْتُ وعيْنَيْها إلى فَمِها
إلاّ شُغِلتُ عن الخَصْمين بالحَكَمِ
6. A fawn, like a white pearl covered by
Curtains of a sea with accumulated deadly waters.
٦. غَرّاءُ كالدُّرَّة البيضاء تَحْجُبُها
أستارُ بحرٍ بماء الموتِ مُلتَظِم
7. She is loved so wishes plummet without catching up with her.
I ransom you from nations that grew weary of nations.
٧. تُهْوى فَتَهْوي المُنى دون اللَّحاقِ بها
أَفْدِيك مِن أَمَمٍ أَعْيَا على الأُممِ
8. She visited, so I awakened my chastity with her visit.
For my wakefulness, she blamed dreams for dreaming.
٨. زارَتْ فَأَيْقَظتُ صَوْنِي في زيارتها
ليَقْظتي وَنَدَبتْ الحلْمَ للحُلُمِ
9. I asked the imam of imagination, and I have
An eye that stayed up while loved ones fell asleep.
٩. آليتُ أسألُ إلْمامَ الخيالِ ولي
عَينٌ وقد ظَعَنَ الأحباب لم تَنَمِ
10. It is as if I swore to them, I did not wish for
The good of times, so my eyelids absolved my oath.
١٠. كأنَّني بهمُ أَقْسَمتُ لا طَمِعت
طيبَ الكَرى فأبَرَّتْ مُقلَتي قَسَمي
11. How could I, the day they left, accompany them
Riding and my head in the place of feet?
١١. وكيف لي يَوْمَ ساروا لو صَحِبْتُهمُ
مِن المطايا ورأسي مَوْضِعَ القَدِم
12. They left, so my endurance since they left
Is afflicted like their afflicted with peace.
١٢. بانوا فَرَبْعُ اصطباري مُنذ بَيْنِهمُ
بالٍ كَرَبْعِهمُ البالي بذي سَلَم
13. And my loneliness when I call in their dwellings
Deaf, answering with what relieves deafness.
١٣. وا وَحْشَتي إذ أُنادي في مَعالِمِهمْ
صُمّاً تُجيبُ بما يَشفي من الصَّممِ
14. Its echo complains to my eyes, so they give it
Tears that overflow and suffice it from continuing.
١٤. يَشْكُو صَداها إلى عَيْنِي فَتَمْنَحُها
دَمْعَاً إذا فاض أَغْنَاها عن الدِّيَمِ
15. Whenever my companions said: prolonged is our standing,
Depart with us; the ruins said: No, stay.
١٥. وكلّما قال صحبي طالَ مَوْقِفُنا
فارْحلْ بنا قالت الآثارُ بل أَقِم
16. Dwellings - the further the distance grew, they yearned
As if drawing illness from my own illness.
١٦. مَنازِلٌ كلّما طال البِعاد عَفَتْ
كأنما تَسْتَمِدُّ السُّقْمَ من سَقَمي
17. Stop, so my passion strengthens what renews it
Of remnants - stronger with vestige than new.
١٧. قِفوا فَأَقْوى غَرامي ما يُجَدِّدُهُ
برَسْمِه طَلَلٌ أقوى على القِدَم
18. Say to those whose patience my calm shortened
Beware the path of tender meat.
١٨. قُل للأُلى غَرَّهمْ حِلْمي ونَقَّصَهمْ
إيّاكمُ وطريقَ الضَّيْغَمِ اللَّحِم
19. For calm is an eyelid, and if its guardian sleeps
Perhaps a sharp ruthless sword is revealed.
١٩. فالحِلْمُ جَفْنٌ وإنْ سُلَّتَّ حَفيظتُه
فربّما كَشَفَتْ عن صارِمٍ خَذِمِ