1. They veiled them for fear of lovers,
Or didn't the temptation of glances suffice?
١. نَقّبوهُنَّ خِشيةَ العُشّاقِ
أوَ لم تَكْفِ فتْنةُ الأحداقِ
2. Eyes harbor illness and so distract
Meaning from soft, delicate cheeks.
٢. إنّ في الأعينِ المِراضِ لَشُغْلاً
للمُعَنّى عن الخدودِ الرِّقاق
3. All that was lost on bygone nights -
It is owed by the remaining nights.
٣. كُلُّ ما فاتَ في اللّيالي المَواضي
فهْو في ذِمّةِ اللَّيالي البَواقى
4. They came like warriors for battle, not showing
Anything but soft, delicate swords.
٤. جئْنَ كالدّارِعينَ للحَرْبِ لا يُبْ
دِينَ إلاّ عنِ السُّيوفِ الرِّقاق
5. God knew your kindness to creation, so gave you
What you deserved.
٥. عَلِمَ اللهُ كيف لُطْفُك للخَلْ
قِ فأعطاكِها على اسْتِحْقَاق
6. You honored us, though the manners of many
Are filled with cold manners.
٦. أَكرَمَتْنا فَرُبَّ أخْلاقِ بُرْدٍ
مُلئتْ من مَكارمِ الأخلاق
7. So it's strange if I live after parting,
And rare if I die before we meet!
٧. فعَجيبٌ لو عِشْتُ بعدَ التَّنائي
وعَزيزٌ لو مُتُّ قبلَ التّلاقي
8. You were my soul, by which life continued
Until you tended my breath suddenly by parting.
٨. كنتِ روحي الّتي بها العيشُ حتّى
رُعْتِ نَفْسي فُجاءةً بالفِراق
9. By my father you are - today I am but
The shell of a body whose soul isn't in it!
٩. بأبي أنتِ ما أنا اليومَ إلاّ
نِضْوُ جِسْمٍ ما رُوحُه فيه باق