
A resolute lover whose heart is captivated

صب مقيم سائر فؤاده

1. A resolute lover whose heart is captivated
By passionate love and fervent affection

١. صَبٌ مقيمٌ سائرُ فُؤادُهُ
طَوْعُ الهوى مع الخليط المُنْجِدِ

2. An absent heart though its love is present
For one who has gone far in their abode and pact

٢. غائبُ قَلْبٍ حاضِرُ ودادُه
لِمَنْ نأى في عَهدِهمْ والمَعهد

3. He has an ardor that haunts and possesses him
When the specter of sorrow haunts his bedstead

٣. له جوىً مُخامِرُ يَعتادُه
إذا اشتكى طيفَ الكَرى في العُوّد

4. With his patience he pretends to restrain his passion
After beauty with ugliness has been filled

٤. لصَبْرِه يُكابِرُ اتِّقادُه
حَشْوَ الحشَا بعد الحسانِ الخُرَّد

5. His tears compete to flow more abundantly
Fear of sleep says to slumber: "Stay away!"

٥. ودمعُه يُكاثِرُ اشْتِدادُه
خوفَ النّوى يَقولُ للنّومِ ابْعُد

6. What is patience but a betrayer of its aid?
When the army of sorrows appears from afar

٦. ما الصّبْرُ إلا غادرُ إنجادُه
إذا بَدا جيشُ النَّوى من بُعُد

7. Were it not for a moaning dove that gladdens him
That dispels his burning anguish with its melodious song

٧. لولا حَمامٌ هادرُ إسعادُه
يَنْفَى الجوى بلَحْنِه المُردَّد

8. It is as though it were flowers of his steeds
The black pearls from every proud neck sing

٨. كأنّه مَزاهِرُ أجيادُه
السودُ الحُلَى من كُلّ شادٍ غَرِد

9. Its curtains are let down over its perches
The greens are clad in their blossoming shadows

٩. مُرْخىً له ستائرُ أعوادُه
الخُضْرُ الذُّرا لِظلّهنَّ يَرتَدي

10. When the sultan of winter left
He advanced them as a merchant his goods

١٠. وافَى ربيعٌ باكِرُ أجنادُه
حين مضَى سُلطانُ بَردٍ مُعْتَد

11. The ground produced pearls and chrysolite
So every drop spreads out gently

١١. أسلفَ وهْو تاجِرُ عِهادُه
ثُجْرَ الثّرى اللُّؤلؤ بالزّبرجَد

12. The meadows of the gardens bloom unprecedently
One who heeds their defects cannot be guided

١٢. فكلُّ قُطرٍ ناشرُ وهادُه
مع الرُّبا ما مِثْلُه لم يُعْهَد

13. Whether he finds guidance or goes astray
Turn away from the cheek of a frowning friend

١٣. وجْهُ الرّياضِ زاهِرُ قُصّادُه
مَن اعتنَى بحَذْفِه لم يُرشَد

14. Its narcissi are verdant and blooming
For them the yellow is bought with the black

١٤. لا يَجتويه ناظِرُ مُرْتادُه
إن اهتدى ودَعْه إن لم يَهْتَد

15. Its trills capture the hearing with magic
When it rings out from a bough of tangled wood

١٥. عن خَدِّ خَوْدٍ سافِرُ مُرّادُه
وقد زها بالنّرجس الغَضّ النّدي

16. The gaze because of it is bewitching and astonishing
When it recalls in the intensity of blazing

١٦. ناظِرُ تِبْرٍ ناضِرُ نَقّادُه
له اشترى أصفَرَه بالأسْود

17. The color because of it is unveiled and conflicting
With the radiance like a fiery coal and solidity like ice

١٧. لُجيْنُه محَاجِرُ تَصْطادُه
إذا رنَا بحَدقٍ من عَسْجَد

18. While the pupil of the eye is black
As if it had put kohl without using powdered antimony

١٨. فاللّحظُ منه ساحِرُ إحدادُه
إذا ذكا من شِدّة التَوُّقد

19. Amidst the blood the black pupil wanders
From what it wept rendering an eye blind

١٩. واللّونُ منه سافِرُ أضدادُه
من السّنا كَجَمرةٍ والجَمَد

20. Rather it is a cheek verdant and kindling
When it complained it adorned itself with dark moles

٢٠. وللشَّقيق ناظِرُ سَوادُه
قد ارتَوى بلا اكتحالِ إثمِد

21. The cheeks are opened with a slight smile
Displaying beauty the like of small hailstones

٢١. وسْطَ الدّماء حائرُ سَوادُه
ممّا بكَى يُديرُ عينَ أرمَد

22. The face of the blossoms is perfectly satisfied with that
The auspicious star of happiness is visiting its appointment

٢٢. بل هو خَدٌّ ناضِرُ وَقّادُه
لمّا التظَى زِينَ بخالٍ أسود

23. It warms the farmsteads, awakening past companions
Destroying sorrow, renew it and console

٢٣. والأقحوانُ فاغِرُ بِرادُه
عن مُجتلى مِثْلِ صغارِ البَرَد

24. For an army of concerns that undermine its supplies
When it traveled amongst numbers and counting

٢٤. حُسْنٌ لَعمْري وافِرُ أعدادُه
بها اكتفَى وجْهُ النّباتِ الأغيَد

25. Every flowing water floats its liver
As it climbed up from the outstretched boughs

٢٥. نَيروزُ سَعْدٍ زائرُ مُعادُه
أسنَى القِرَى طُلوعُه بالأسعُد

26. And every stirring idea stirs its tide
It shook the slender boughs so the prohibition is like one in trepidation

٢٦. حاشِدُ أَنسٍ حاشِرُ أَجدادِهِ
أَبلى الأَسى فَأَبلِهِ وَجَدَّد

27. Its resting place is razing its steeds
The morning breeze is blustering with constant repetition

٢٧. لِجَيشٍ هَمّي كاسِرُ إِمدادُهُ
حينَ سَرى في عَدَدٍ وَعُدَد

28. As if the live coals of its fire were stirred
A fragrance is diffused with the eternal wind

٢٨. فَكُلُّ ماءٍ مائِرُ أَكبادِهِ
مِمّا اِرتَقى مِنَ الغُصونِ المُيَّد

29. Or its hidden jewels were carved and inlaid
Bestowing splendor in its smooth decorated neck

٢٩. وَكُلُّ خَوطٍ خاطِرُ مَيّادُهُ
هَزَّ القَنا فَالنَهيُ كَالمُرتَعِد

30. As if Indian swords were polished or filed
The house was filled, lined up, with no echo

٣٠. فَمَتنُهُ مُطامِرُ جِيادُهُ
مَعجُ الصِبا بِدائِمِ التَرَدُّد

31. Had it not been for a happiness that departed habitually
A heart disobeyed though it is the Feast of the Sacrifice

٣١. كَما ذَكَت مَجامِرُ نِجادُهُ
نَشرٌ شَذا مَعَ الهُبوبِ السَرمَد

32. And the heat of a chest is blazing in its ignition
With sobbing in a torrent it flowed

٣٢. أَو فُصِّلَت جَواهِرُ تَنضادُهُ
يُهدي السَنا في جيدِهِ المُقَلَّد

33. My tearing tears flow increasingly
For one absent from a piece of my liver

٣٣. أَو صُقِلَت بَواتِرٌ أَو رادُهُ
مِلءَ المَلا صَفَت فَما فيها صَدي

34. A grieving heart has its comfort disturbed
It hurls glances with sleepy eyes

٣٤. لَولا سُرورٌ هاجِرُ مُعتادُهُ
قَلباً عَصى وَالعيدُ بِالمُعَيِّد

35. While slumber is conversing with its vigil
When it worries alone at night or when lying down

٣٥. وَحُرُّ صَدرٍ واغِرُ إيقادُهُ
مَعَ البُكا في صَبَبٍ وَصَعَد

36. For an anxiety that converses with its isolation
When it grows gloomy and profound sorrows

٣٦. الدَمعُ مَنّي حادِرُ إِصعادُهُ
لِلمُنتَأى عَن فِلَذٍ مِن كَبِد

37. The different thoughts are tearing at its mind
When its loved ones did not calm

٣٧. فُؤادُ مُضني طائِرُ رُقادُهُ
يُرمي الفَلا بِناظِرٍ مُسهَّد

38. How many tears have flowed abundantly in his generosity
Until he smiled to the point of gratification from churning

٣٨. وَلِلسُها مُسامِرُ سُهادُهُ
إِذا اِنتَحى بِاللَيلِ أَو لِلفَرقَدِ

39. And the complaining one cried out with crashing thunder
Until he threw himself down stretching out on the ground

٣٩. لِهِمَّةٍ يُساوِرُ اِنفِرادُهُ
إِذا دَجا وَالشَجوُشَجوُ المُفرَدِ

40. To the point that the confused earth is his belief
That which was laid to rest without belief

٤٠. لَهُ اللَظى ضَمائِرُ زَنادُهُ
إِذا وَرى شُواظُهُ لَم يَخمُدِ

41. He submitted though his collar was armored
It tells the story of the Everlasting King

٤١. كَم راحَ دَمعٌ بادِرُ تَجَوادُهُ
حَتّى اِغتَدى مبتسما عن فَدفَدِ

42. He showed goodness though his life was rebellious
It heals worries and its number cannot be counted

٤٢. وَصاحَ مُزنٌ هادِرُ إِرعادُهُ
حَتّى رَمى بِطنَ الثَرى بِالوَلَدِ

43. Rather, it is a day of judgement that will gather all to witness
The secrets of every denier of the depths of infidelity will disappear through it

٤٣. حَتّى التُرابُ الحائِرُ اِعتِقادُهُ
الَّذي رَسا مُغَيَّبَ المُعتَقَدِ

44. For what was entrusted of reformers and corruptors
So every hidden seed will rise against its like

٤٤. أَسلَمَ وَهوَ كافِرُ صِلادُهُ
حَتّى حَكى صُنعَ المَليكِ الصَمَدِ

45. The son of life, had it not been aborted
Glad tidings would have been conveyed of its deliverance

٤٥. وَبَرَّ وَهوَ فَاجِرُ ثِمادُهُ
يَشفى الصَدى وَعَدُّهُ لا يُعدَدِ

46. After the body's decay
No preventer deters him

٤٦. بَل يَومُ فَصلٍ حاشِرُ ميعادُهُ
مَوتى الكَلا عَن قَعرِ كُلِّ مُلحَدِ

47. From what he desires whether it is plain or embroidered
Its inner self and its outer appearance are in harmony

٤٧. تُبلى بِهِ السَرائِرُ اِرتِصادُهُ
لِما اِنطَوى مِن مُصلِحٍ وَمُفسِدِ

48. Can one imagine the heart of a brute as anything but brutish?
Had it not been for the cycle of days over its term

٤٨. فَكُلُّ حَبٍّ ثائِرُ مُبادُهُ
وَاِبنُ الحَيا ما عاشَ لَو لَم يوأَدِ

49. It would have been far from harm living prosperously
Dealing it would have been loss, frustrating its critics

٤٩. تُهدي بِهِ البَشائِرُ اِستِردادُهُ
مِنَ الرَدى بَعدَ تَلاشي الجَسَدِ

50. The rising sun in the morning for a Lion
How can that which captures forcefully be replaced?

٥٠. ما لِلخَليعِ زاجِرُ صَدادُهُ
عَمّا اِشتَهى لِعَذل أَو فَنَدِ

51. So the defective may be bought with the perfect
Evil became it, frustrating its expectations

٥١. باطِنُهُ وَالظاهِرُ اِتِّحادُهُ
وَهَل تَرى قَلبَ دَدٍ غَيرَ دَدِ

52. For it is a protected sanctuary penetrated by none
The brilliant sun of daytime falls short in its discernment

٥٢. لَولا زَمانٌ دائِرٌ مَقادُهُ
عَن الأَذى إِلى المَعاشِ الرَغَدِ

53. When it is content with a glorious lineage
The evident grandeur is supremely majestic

٥٣. لَكانَ بَيعُ خاسِرُ نَقّادُهُ
شَمسُ الضُحى بِحَمَلٍ لِأَسَدِ

54. An honorable ancient man the noble tribes take pride in
Clouds of generosity pouring out his descendants

٥٤. كَيفَ اِستُعيضَ فَادرُ تَقتادُهُ
لِيُقتَنى بِأَغلَبِ ذي لِبَدِ

55. Looting the dew to preserve continual glory
To support religion he is the victorious ally

٥٥. ساءَ وَرَدَّ خادَرُ تَعتادُهُ
لَها حِمى وَغَيرُهُ لَم يُعدَدِ

56. If he calls in the morning of momentous occasions
The Judge of judges, pure in his supports

٥٦. شَمسُ النَهارِ القاصِرُ اِنتِقادُهُ
حَيثُ اِكتَفى بِشَرفٍ مُجَدَّدِ

57. The polished pearl, father of Muḥammad
He has the precedence in virtue over his contemporaries

٥٧. وَذو العَلاءِ الباهِرُ اِزدِيادُهُ
قَرمٌ سَما بِهِ شَريفُ المَحتِدِ

58. The religion of guidance is not founded but for him
Blessing brokenness, repeated is his restoration

٥٨. سَحابُ جودٍ ماطِرُ تِلادُهُ
نَهبُ النَدى لِحِفظِ مَجدٍ مُتلَدِ

59. He will not be supported if longsizes collapse
Ending eras, driving its stately beast

٥٩. لِلدَينِ مِنهُ الناصِرُ اِستِنجادُهُ
إِذا دَعا غَداةَ خَطبٍ موئِدِ

60. As I wish it to lead me, I lead
Matchless to him ever begetting

٦٠. قاضي القُضاةِ طاهِرُ عِمادُهُ
خِدنُ العُلا النَدبُ أَبو مُحَمَّدِ

61. Notwithstanding what is seen of large numbers
To his justice those in captivity are concealed

٦١. أَوَلُّ فَضلٍ أَخِرُ ميلادُهُ
دينُ الهُدى بِغَيرِهِ لَم يُعمَدِ

62. The intimate of prosperity, the moon of prosperity
Generous time, harming multitudes

٦٢. لِلكَسرِ نِعمَ الجابِرُ اِستِرفادُهُ
فَلا وَهيَ مِن ناصِرٍ مُسَدِّدِ

63. When glorious attributes unfold
An enraging sight for jealous observers

٦٣. ناهي زَمانٍ آمِرُ يَقتادُهُ
كَما أَرتَضي أَنّي يَقُدهُ يَنقَدِ

64. He is the young man most glorious of the glorious
A pole on which all turns depend

٦٤. لَهُ بِمِثلٍ عاقِرُ وَلّادُهُ
مَعما يُرى مِن كَثرَةٍ في العَدَدِ

65. A sun of greatness, father to the stars
God is able to bring into existence by His power

٦٥. لَعِدلِهِ مُستَأسِرُ آسادُهُ
وَعرُ السُطا بَحرُ النَدى بَدرُ النَدى

66. The Most High heavens raised without pillar
By pillar, evident is His aid

٦٦. نافِعُ دَهرٍ ضائِرُ أَعدادُهُ
لِما عَرا يُطيلُ غَيظَ الحُسَّدِ

67. Until He climbed the sky of Ahmed's faith
His benefaction spread increasingly

٦٧. إِن جارَ خَطبٌ جائِرُ فَعادُهُ
عَقدُالحُبا لِحَلِّ كُلِّ عُقَدِ

68. Which spared the worst of miserable worldly times
A night companion, vigilant in his worship

٦٨. رَأيٌ وَحَزمٌ ظاهِرُ سَدادُهُ
إِذا قَضى بِفَيصَلٍ في مَشهَدِ

69. He folds up the darkness by morning if he did not prostrate
From restraint, as day is beholden to tomorrow

٦٩. وَلا حُسامٌ باتِرُ أَغمادُهُ
مِنَ الطُلى في جيدِ كُلِّ أَصيَدِ

70. For it an intrepid horseman inhabiting his country
Glory forever sponsoring its threshold will be honored

٧٠. مِنهُ النَجيعُ قاطِرُ فِرصادُهُ
إِذا جَلا عَن خَدِّهِ المُوَرَّدِ

71. Those who share its neighborhood will be empowered
Except by safekeeping for every bold one is its confrontation

٧١. ساعٍ سِواهُ الفاتِرُ اِجتِهادُهُ
إِذا اِرتَقى إِلى بُلوغِ الأَمَدِ

72. When it refuses who can confront its reckoning?
Oh how its easy pickings have fled

٧٢. وَمَن عَداهُ الغادِرُ اِستِمدادُهُ
إِذا دَنا فَاِعدَم سَراباً أَوجِدِ

73. The cup comes around to who did not confer favor
Without it is an overflowing sea replenishing its redundancy

٧٣. لِلَهِ لَيثٌ هاصِرُ زِيادُهُ
إِذا سَطا يَثنى العَدُوَّ المُعتَدي

74. When a recipient drew from it sweet or turned away
Both praiser and thanker are indebted to it

٧٤. مِنهُ وَغَيثٌ هامِرُ مُرادُهُ
إِذا سَخا رائِحُهُ وَالمُغتَدي

75. When it is mixed with the hand extended to the hand
With it fully triumphant vanquishing its rivals

٧٥. عَلى المَوالي ناثِرُ أَصفادُهُ
قَطرَ جَدا يَنظِمَ شُكرَ الأَبَدِ

76. Along with success, glorious are its watering places
To its wealth its roads are open equally to all

٧٦. وَلِلمُعادي آسِرُ صِفادُهُ
عَفوٌ حَمى حُشاشَةَ المُصفَدِ

77. If it excuses and its word is to reconvene
Then poetry is dear, spreading is its association

٧٧. خَيرُ فَتىً أَخائِرُ أَجدادُهُ
إِذا اِنتَمى مِن كُلِّ قَومٍ نُجُدِ

78. It has fulfilled the request of the requester
With generosity, broadcaster of its hidden qualities

٧٨. يَنميهِ إِن تَفاخَروا أَمجادُهُ
الغُرُّ الأَلى مَهما بَنوا يُشَيَّدُ

79. After decay, generosity is the raiser of withered corpses
Nawruz will travel its excursion

٧٩. فَزارَةُ الأَكابِرُ اِعتِدادُهُ
فَهوَ الفَتى وَالأَمجَدُ اِبنُ الأَمجَدِ

80. From us prosperity comes as if to a propitious friend
To it the journey though absent is habitual

٨٠. قُطبٌ عَلَيهِ الدائِرُ اِعتِمادُهُ
شَمسُ عُلا أَبو نُجومٍ وُقَّدِ

81. When affection grows cold without you it will not ease up
Departing though the crash of its thunder will endure

٨١. وَاللَهُ رَبٌّ قادِرٌ إيجادُهُ
السَبعُ العُلى رَفعاً بِغَيرِ عَمَدِ

82. What else can he say if he is not praised?
Remembrance of youth will support lengthy duration

٨٢. وَبِالعِمادِ ظاهِرُ إِمدادُهُ
حَتّى اِعتَلى سَماء دينِ أَحمَدِ

83. An associate emigrant repeating his circulation
Though remote as close as a son to father through your merit

٨٣. إِحسانُهُ المُظاهِرُ اِطِّرادُهُ
الَّذي كَفى شَرَّ الزَمانِ الأَنكَدِ

84. Wherever it reached from stage to stage and destination
Is like the passing breeze customary in its movement

٨٤. سَميرُ لَيلٍ ساهِرُ سَجّادُهُ
يَثني الدُجى صُبحاً إِذا لَم يَسجُدُ

85. When it traveled recalling the dispersion of countries
Preferring the meadows frequented by its wanderers

٨٥. لِكُلِّ حَمدٍ ذاخِرُ إِرصادُهُ
مِنَ النَهى وَاليَومُ رَهنٌ بِالغَدِ

86. It accommodates who did not find or did find
Every ocean has its sources and its mouths

٨٦. فارِسُ مِنهُ عامِرُ بِلادُهُ
فَلا عَفا مِن بَيتِ مَجدٍ أَتلَدِ

87. If it quenched pour forth dear or turn away
Tarrying for it is prepared his reception

٨٧. يَعِزُّ مَن يُجاوِرُ إِسنادُهُ
دونَ الغِنى فَهوَ لِكُلِّ مُجتَدِ

88. If it drew from a surge of the billowing
Time's betrayal endures its recalcitrance

٨٨. صَعبٌ فَلا تُخاطِروا قِيادُهُ
مَتى أَبى وَمَن يُحامِ يَذُدِ

89. If it folds over the young man and builds up
The freeman in it is patient, steadfast in his steeliness

٨٩. نَهبٌ أَلا فَبادَروا أَرفادُهُ
وِردَ القَطا مَن لَم يَفِد لَم يُفِدِ

90. An era of disaster in its deepest chasms
As the measurements required its obedience

٩٠. بَلا هوَ بَحرٌ زاخِرُ مَدّادُهُ
إِذا طَما وارِدُ مَن لَم يَرِدِ

91. How could anyone say to the staunch: “Hold off!”
Match to him never producing his equal

٩١. فَحامِدٌ وَشاكِرٌ وَفّادُهُ
إِذا اِنتَدى وَاليَدُ صيغَت لِليَدِ

92. With the desires, sincere are his intentions
An appointed adversary crushing his supplies

٩٢. بِكُلِّ عِزٍّ ظافِرُ قُصادُهُ
مَعَ المُنى وَالعِزُّ عَذبُ المَورِدِ

93. When he refused, accepting the consequences of his reckoning
For every glory triumphing over his competitors

٩٣. لِمالِهِ مُشاطِرُ مُرتادُهُ
إِذا عَفا وَقَولُهُ عُد أَعُدِ

94. With success, pleasing are its watering places
To his wealth a partner sharing unfailingly

٩٤. فَالشِعرُ عَظمٌ ناخِرُ مَعادُهُ
فَقَد قَضى بِرِفدِهِ المُستَرفَدِ

95. When he pardons and his word is reengage
Verse is a blessing flowing copiously in his reflection

٩٥. بِالجودِ مِنهُ ناشِرُ أَجسادُهُ
بَعدَ البِلى وَالجودُ حَشرُ السُؤدَدِ

96. Indeed he fulfilled the request of the requester
With generosity, a disseminator of its tree-lined roads

٩٦. نَوروزُنا مُسافِرُ مُرادُهُ
مِنّا السُرى مِثلَ الرَفيقِ المُسعِدِ

97. After erosion, generosity musters faded corpses
Our Nawruz constantly traveling its excursion

٩٧. فَهوَ لِكُلِّ وافِرُ إِسعادُهُ
وَإِن غَدا لِلإِرتِحالِ مَوعِدي

98. Prosperity comes from us as if to a blissful friend
For it the journey though absent endures its continuation

٩٨. وَهوَ لِقَلبي ذاعِرُ إِبعادُهُ
فَردُ الذُرا المُكثِرُ غَيظَ حُسَّدي

99. Its striker of sorrow redoubles despite jealous observers
When sorrows cease in enduring your company

٩٩. وَها أَنا مُسايِرُ وَزادُهُ
إِذا اِنثَنى وَجدٌ بِكُم لَم يَبرُدِ

100. Departing, though the crash of its cloud will abide
What more can one say if he is not praised?

١٠٠. ماضٍ وَلِكَن غابِرُ إِحمادُهُ
وَما عَسى يَقولُ إِن لَم يَحمَدِ

101. Remembering youth will prop lengthy duration

١٠١. لِلقُربِ مِنكُم ذاكِرُ بِعادُهُ
ذِكرَ الصِبا يُسنَدُ طولَ المُسنَدِ

١٠٢. مُواصِلٌ مُهاجِرُ تَردادِهِ
كإِبنِ الكَرى أَقرَبُهُ كَالأَبعَدِ

١٠٣. بِفَضلِكُم يُذاكِرُ اِمتِدادُهُ
حَيثُ اِنتَهى مِن مَنزِلٍ وَمَقصَدِ

١٠٤. كَذا النَسيمُ العابِرُ اِعتِيادُهُ
إِذا سَرى اِستِصحابُ نَشرِ البَلَدِ

١٠٥. عَنِ الرِياضِ آثِرُ رُوّادُهُ
لِما حَوى مَن لَم يَجِد لَم يَجُدِ

١٠٦. وَكُلُّ بَحرٍ صادِرُ وُرّادُهُ
إِذا سَقى فَاصدُر عَزيزاً أَو رِدِ

١٠٧. وارِدُهُ المُستَأخِرُ اِستِعدادُهُ
إِذا اِستَقى مِن فَيضِ بَحرٍ مُزبِدِ

١٠٨. إِنَّ الزَمانَ غادِرُ عِنادُهُ
إِذا التَوى عَلى الفَتى لَم يَكَدِ

١٠٩. وَالحُرُّ فيهِ صابِرُ عِتادُهُ
عَقدُ عِرا أَغوارِهِ بِالأَنجُدِ

١١٠. كَما اِقتَضى المَقادِرُ اِنقِيادُهُ
كَيفَ حَدا يَقولُ لِلعيسِ خِدي

١١١. جاءَكَ شِعرٌ نادِرُ إِنشادُهُ
لَمّا أَتى عِقداً بِغَيرِ عُقَدِ

١١٢. في حُسنِهِ نَظائِرُ أَفرادُهُ
مَعَ الثَنى مِن دُرِّهِ المُنَضَّدِ

١١٣. تَقضي لَهُ المَشاعِرُ اِستيعادُهُ
إِذا اِرتايَ بِشَرفِ التَفَرُّدِ

١١٤. سامِعُهُ المُحاضِرُ اِستِشهادُهُ
بِما اِكتَسى مِن عَبَقٍ لَم يَنفَدِ

١١٥. يَقولُ وَهوَ عاطِرُ أَبدادُهُ
بِماجَرى مِن ذِكرِكَ المُجَدِّدِ

١١٦. بِالمِسكِ كانَ الساطِرُ اِستِمدادُهُ
وَهَل وَفى مِسكٌ بِخُلقِ أَمجَدِ

١١٧. قَد خَطَّهُ المُبادِرُ اِستِنشادُهُ
لِما وَعى مِنَ القَوافي الشُرَّدِ

١١٨. سابِقُ فِكرٍ ضامِرُ جَوادُهُ
ذاتُ خُطاً بِأَربَعِ كَالجَلمَدِ

١١٩. في كُلِّ شِعرٍ فاخِرُ مُجادُهُ
إِذا اِزدَهى قَومٌ بِغَيرِ الجَيِّدِ

١٢٠. وَالفَضلُ صَمتٌ سائِرُ تَعتادُهُ
بَينَ الوَرى إِن قُلتَ ما لَم يُحمَدِ

١٢١. إِن كانَ نَظمٌ نافِرُ نَقّادُهُ
لا مُنتَقى مِثلَ اللآلي البَدَدِ

١٢٢. يا مَن بِهِ مُفاخِرُ أَعيادُهُ
عِش ما تَشا في العِزِّ وَاِغنَ وَازدَدِ

١٢٣. مَلكٌ إِلَيهِ صائِرُ إِسنادُهُ
حَتّى اِحتَمى فَدُم مُطاعاً وَاِخلُدِ

١٢٤. أَنتَ الهُمامُ القاهِرُ اِستِعبادُهُ
مَعَ الفَتى وَصادِقُ التَعَبُّدِ

١٢٥. فِدىً لَهُ أَصاغِرُ حُسادِهِ
مَعَ العِدا مِنسَيِّدٍ وَسَنَدِ

١٢٦. أَما اِمرُؤٌ مُجاهِرُ أَفتادُهُ
بِهِ طَغى وَقَلَّ ذاكَ المُفتَدى

١٢٧. أَو عارِفٌ مُناكِرُ كِيادُهُ
كُلٌّ فَدى عَلائِكَ المُحَسَّدِ