
The arrows of glances that pierce the archers

سهام نواظر تصمي الرمايا

1. The arrows of glances that pierce the archers
And they are wounded in their sides

١. سِهامُ نَواظرٍ تُصْمي الرَّمايا
وهُنَّ منَ الجوانحِ في الحَنايا

2. And how strange are arrows that did not leave
Their quivers though they have pierced the victims

٢. ومن عجَبٍ سهامٌ لم تُفارِقْ
حَناياها وقد أصْمَتْ حشايا

3. I forbade you to fight them for I
Have shot my arrows in vain but myself

٣. نَهيْتُك أن تُناضِلَها فإنّي
رمَيْتُ فلم يُصِبْ سَهْمي سِوايا

4. I made my vanguard my frivolous glances
So they led the warriors to the hidden places

٤. جعَلْتُ طليعتي طَرْفي سَفاهاً
فَدُلَّ على مَقاتِليَ الخَفايا

5. Can the inviolable place be protected from the enemy
If the army is betrayed by the governors?

٥. وهل يُحمَى حَريمٌ من عَدُوٍّ
إذا ما الجيشُ خانَتْه الرَّبايا

6. And the day I prepared the army of patience so that
I raid the abode of my passion with it

٦. ويومَ عَرضتُ جيشَ الصَّبْرِ حتّى
أَشُنَّ به على وَجْدي سَرايا

7. They shook spears at us from the battalions
So we left our hearts for them as prey

٧. هزَزْنَ من القُدودِ لنا رِماحاً
فخَلَّينا القلوبَ لها دَرايا

8. And separation made various eyes cry
While none cried but my tears

٨. وأَبكَى البَيْنُ شَتّى مِن عُيونٍ
وكان سِوَى مَدامِعيَ البَكايا

9. And I have a soul that when longing extends
The heart takes off from burning into pieces

٩. ولي نَفَسٌ إذا ما امتدَّ شَوقاً
أطار القلبُ من حُرْقٍ شَظايا

10. And a tear that helps the oppressed unjustly
And reveals my hidden secrets

١٠. ودمعٌ يَنصرُ الواشِين ظُلْماً
ويُظهرُ من سَرائريَ الخبايا

11. And appeals against the lovers unjustly
And where is the justice of judiciary from bloodshed?

١١. ومُحتكِمٍ على العُشّاقِ جَوْراً
وأينَ منَ الدُّمَى عَدْلُ القَضايا

12. It shows you the rose buds from its cheek
And the light of moles from the folds

١٢. يُرِيكَ بوَجْنَتَيْهِ الوَرْدَ غَضّاً
ونَورَ الأُقْحُوانِ منَ الثّنايا

13. Contemplate from it a mole under the temple
To know how many secrets are in the corners

١٣. تأمَّلْ منه تحت الصُّدْغِ خالاً
لتَعلمَ كم خَبايا في الزَّوايا

14. And do not blame the infatuated in his love
For the excuse of lovers is one of the sins

١٤. ولا تَلُمِ المُتيَّمَ في هواهُ
فعَذْلُ العاشِقينَ من الخَطايا

15. I sought his forbidden union until
I inflicted tribulations upon myself

١٥. خَطبْتُ نوالَه المَمنوعَ حتّى
أَثَرْتُ به على نَفْسي بَلايا

16. So it deprived my eyelids of sleep and longing
And tortured my mind with estrangement and groaning

١٦. فأرَّقَ مقلتي وجْداً وشَوقاً
وعذَّب مهجتي هَجراً ونايا

17. And exhausted my body as my heart softened
And in the weakness of kings lies the misery of subjects

١٧. وأَتعبَ سائري أن رقَّ قلبي
وفي ضَعْفِ الملوكِ أذَى الرّعايا

18. The life time friend is not faithful
So do not spend your money wastefully

١٨. غَريمُ الدّهرِ ليس له وفاءٌ
فلا تَدْفعْ نُقودَك بالنَّسايا

19. Make use of my company, O friend, for I
Have taken off the prime of youth but the remainder

١٩. تَغنَّمْ صُحبتي يا صاحِ إنّي
نَزعْتُ عنِ الصِّبا إلاّ بَقايا

20. And counter those men who devoted themselves
You will find them in camel ticks and worn clothes

٢٠. وخالفْ مَن تَنسَّك مِن رجالٍ
لَقُوكَ بأكبُدِ الإبِلِ الأَبايا

21. And do not take paths other than mine for I
Am the son of glory and the rising of the folds

٢١. ولا تسلُكْ سِوى طُرُقي فإنّي
أنا ابْنُ جَلا وطَلاّع الثّنايا

22. Rise up so we take some pleasures
For death will overtake us soon

٢٢. وقُمْ نأخُذْ من الَّلذّاتِ حَظّاً
فإنّا سوف تُدرِكُنا المنايا

23. And help the group who raced to achieve it
And came back with the booty and captives

٢٣. وساعِدْ زُمرةً ركَضوا إليها
فآبُوا بالنِّهابِ وبالسَّبايا

24. And present to the minister praise so he may grant you
The wide land from it and the utensils

٢٤. وأَهْدِ إلى الوزيرِ المدْحَ يَجْعَلْ
لكَ المِرباعَ منها والصَّفايا

25. And say to those heading to his abode
Are you not better than those who rode the horses?

٢٥. وقُلْ للرّاحِلينَ إلى ذُراهُ
ألستمْ خيرَ مَن رَكِبَ المَطايا

26. With the support of the defender of Allah's religion the abodes
Of kingship became high buildings

٢٦. بيُمْنِ مُعينِ دينِ اللهِ أضحَتْ
ديارُ المُلْكِ عاليةَ البِنايا

27. It is the appearing new moon but
Its planets when Sajā appears

٢٧. هو الفلَكُ المُطِلُّ عُلاً ولكنْ
كواكبُه إذا طلَع السَّجايا

28. It is the king who rises and sets
The power of kingship is in his hands and opinions

٢٨. هو المَلِكُ الّذي يُضْحي ويُمْسي
زِنادُ المُلكِ مِن يَدِه وَرايا

29. The best of people if they take pride is descent
And most generous if they were tried by ordeals

٢٩. أجلُّ الناسِ إن فخَروا نِصاباً
وأكرمُهمْ إذا اخْتُبِروا سجايا

30. He refused but to elevate to the heights
Though the selves neared the low world

٣٠. أبَى إلاّ السُّموَّ إلى المعالي
وقد دنَتِ النُّفوسُ من الدَّنايا

31. And ratify every good opinion about him
While the sea of stinginess has been folded

٣١. وصَدِّقْ كُلَّ ظنٍّ فيه جُوداً
وقد طُوِيتْ على البُخْلِ الطَّوايا

32. A young man - if he spent generously to an individual -
Would think it is the lowest of gifts

٣٢. فتىً لو جادَ بالدّنيا لفَرْدٍ
توَهَّم أنّها أدنَى العَطايا

33. And if he gifted the stars to those who asked him
He would see them as scraps of his gifts

٣٣. ولو وهَب النُّجومَ لسائليهِ
رآها من مَواهبِه نفايا

34. And good mention in life is a plant
Whose fruits are attained by generous hands

٣٤. وحُسنُ الذّكْرِ في الدُّنيا غِراسٌ
تَنالُ ثمارَها الأيدي السَّخايا

35. I left my footsteps from afar to you
So they came withering residues

٣٥. إليك أَثَرْتُ من بُعُدٍ خُطاها
فجاءتْ وهْي ضامرةٌ رَذايا

36. And they came to you swiftly with us
That they return heavily loaded

٣٦. وهُنّ وقد أَتَتْكَ بنا خِفافاً
بأنْ يَرجِعْنَ مُثقلَةً حَرايا

37. A rugged journey upon which arrows ride
That pierced distant targets

٣٧. قِسِيُّ سُرًى وأَرْكَبَها سِهامٌ
رَميْنَ بِهنَّ أغراضاً قَصايا

38. To defeat whatever manifests from your glory
With what your authority of innocence did

٣٨. لِيَهْنِكَ ما تَجدَّد من جَلالٍ
بما أَولاك سُلطانُ البَرايا

39. So the kingdoms became adorned
With your justice from your creatures

٣٩. فقد غَدَتِ المَمالكُ وهْي تُزْهَى
بعَدْلك من خَلائقِك الوَضايا

40. And the army of the generous - its mounts roared -
Due to what corruption did with it

٤٠. وعَسكرُ مُكرَمٍ عَرِيَتْ رُباها
لِما صنَعتْ بها العُصَبُ الغَوايا

41. And you did not see in Allah's country a market
Like the Bridge market - so filled

٤١. ولم تَرَ في بلادِ اللهِ طُرّاً
كسُوق الجَسْرِ سُوقاً مُقلتايا

42. Nor the flowing of the water wheel in it
My eyes saw and my hands scooped

٤٢. ولا كتدفُّقِ الدُّولابِ فيها
رأتْ عينايَ واغترَفَتْ يَدايا

43. So those songs became empty in it
And those buildings were undermined

٤٣. فهاهيَ قد خلَتْ تلك المَغاني
بها وتَقوَّضتْ تلكَ البنايا

44. So prepare for the interests a determination from you
That attains accessories of good reputation's beauty

٤٤. فَجرِّدْ للمَصالحِ منك عَزْماً
ألا يا أيمنَ الوزراءِ رايا

45. Having advantages over its predecessors
That is like a universe rotating and in it meteors

٤٥. تَنالُ به لَواحِقَ حُسنِ صيتٍ
لَهُنَّ على سَوابقه مَزايا

46. Ricocheting from its sides issues
And a crying woman yearning for other than passion

٤٦. يَعُدْ فَلكاً يدورُ وفيه شُهْبٌ
تَقاذَفُ من جوانبهِ القَضايا

47. Wailing in the early dawn and evening
And her crying was laughter for some people

٤٧. وباكيةٍ تَحِنُّ لغَيْرِ وَجْدٍ
وتَندُبُ في الغُدُوِّ وفي العَشايا

48. But when she softened the land cried
And it is not strange when the marvels are erased

٤٨. وكان بكاؤها ضَحِكاً لقومٍ
فلمّا أَن رقَتْ بكَتِ البَرايا

49. With your generous hands marks of misery
And if I controlled the reins of my matter

٤٩. وليس من البدائعِ حينَ تُمْحَى
بجُودِ يَديْكَ آثارُ الرّزايا

50. And time let me go my way
I would have travelled upon my sight toward you

٥٠. ولو أنّي مَلكتُ عنانَ أمري
وأجراني الزّمانُ على هَوايا

51. Without suffering the travel or getting tired
I prolonged my stay at your high door

٥١. لسِرْتُ إذَنْ على بَصَري إليكمْ
وما ألِمَ المَسيرَ ولا تَعايا

52. Accompanying these agreeable manners
But I still feel as if my lifetime

٥٢. أَطَلْتُ ببابِكَ العالي مُقامي
مُصاحِبَ هذهِ الشِّيَمِ الرَّضايا

53. Does evil to me without cease
And what is this time while you are in it

٥٣. ولكنْ لا أزالُ كأنّ دَهْري
يُبِرُّ من الإساءةِ بي ألايا

54. To take people to account for sins?
And which country did my feet reside

٥٤. وما هذا الزّمانُ وأنت فيه
بأهْلٍ أن يؤاخَذَ بالجَنايا

55. Where I did not praise your munificence?
And poetry is no honour to me but

٥٥. وأَيّة بَلْدةٍ حَلّتْ رِكابي
تَلَوْتُ بها لشُكرِ نَداكَ آيا

56. With it I pay tribute to the generous
And attain through it the elders' affection

٥٦. وليس الشِّعْرُ لي شَرفاً ولكنْ
أُحبِّرُ للكرامِ به تَحايا

57. That cuts apart for the envious
And were not for thanking the like of you in verse

٥٧. وأحوِي منه للكُبَراء ودّاً
تَقطَّعُ للحسودِ به الحَوايا

58. My hands would not have undertaken it
So the days did not cease to be proud of you

٥٨. ولولا شكرُ مثْلِك بالقوافي
لَما عَلِقتْ أعِنّتَها يَدايا

59. And the envious did not attain their ultimate end of you
So persist in the most blissful life for people so you remain

٥٩. فلا بَرِحَتْ بك الأيّامُ غُرّاً
ولا بلَغتْ لك الحُسّادُ غَايا

60. Over the passage of years with glory
And celebrate one thousand years in happiness

٦٠. فدُمْ في أنعُمٍ للخَلْقِ تَبْقَى
على مَرِّ السِّنينَ بها فَتايا

61. And live in blessings for years
Take them and - however diverse the presents are -

٦١. وعيِّدْ في السّعادةِ ألفَ عامٍ
وعشْ ما شئتَ في نِعَمٍ سَنايا

62. It is the precious of what I possessed as gifts
If Judge Kamal al-Mulk one day

٦٢. وخُذْها فهْيَ والمهدونَ شَتّى
نَفيسةُ ما مَلكْتُ من الهدايا

63. Rose above the meanings of its rhymes
Who did I compose the eulogy for and who narrated it?

٦٣. إذا القاضي كمالُ المُلكِ يوماً
عليك جلا مَعانيَها الجَلايا

64. I testified that it indeed ascended high
Composed of precious pearls

٦٤. لِمَنْ صُغْتُ المديحَ ومَن رَواهُ
شَهْدتُ لقد تَعالَى مُرْتقايا

65. And signed in most eminent words
She attained acceptance from you so she flourished

٦٥. مُنظَّمةً من الدُّرِّ الغَوالي
مُحَبّرةً من الكَلِمِ العَلايا

66. And not all wishes are attainable

٦٦. رجَتْ منك القَبولَ لها فتاهَتْ
وما كُلُّ الملائحِ بالحَظايا