
Oh how she knocked on our door, like the tinkling of her anklet

ألا طرقتنا والثريا كقرطها

1. Oh how she knocked on our door, like the tinkling of her anklet,
Her pearls had cooled in her throat from the necklace she wore,

١. ألا طرقَتْنا والثُّريّا كقُرْطِها
وقد بَرَدَتْ في نَحْرِها دُرُّ سِمْطِها

2. She stirred desire in my longing heart,
I removed sadness from my eyelids overwhelmed by her,

٢. فهاجَتْ على القَلْبِ المَشوقِ صَبابةً
نفَيْتُ الكَرى عن مُقلَتَيَّ لفَرْطها

3. She did not stop until the darkness dissipated,
The watchmen hastened the dawn to catch sight of her,

٣. وما بَرِحَتْ حتّى تَهاوَتْ منَ الدُّجَى
فَرائدُ أَعياها تَعجُّلُ لَقْطها

4. The grayness of dawn spread its branches,
The eyelids of night lowered from its shining radiance,

٤. وبَثَّ مَشيبُ الصُّبْحِ أَوضاحَ فَرعِه
فغَضّتْ جُفونُ اللّيلِ عن لَمْع وَخْطها

5. She traveled the plateau of Najd together on her camel litter,
Her scent was only perceived from the hem of her cloak,

٥. سَرتْ وصَبا نَجْدٍ معاً من عِراصِها
فما عَبِقَتْ إلاّ بأَعطافِ مِرْطها

6. I resorted to my tears as they flowed,
But they did not avail the descent of my cheek from her line,

٦. فَزِعْتُ إلى دَمْعي على جَرَيانِه
فلم يُغْنِ عن إنهالِ خَدٍّ لِخَطّها

7. I wet my cheek while anguish boiled in my heart,
And how much rain has fallen short of a thirsty land?

٧. بَلَلْتُ به خَدّي وفي القلبِ غُلّتي
وكم غَيْثُ أَرْضٍ جازَ مَوضِعَ قَحْطها

8. For Layla has an abode in my heart,
Where I fear the watcher will strike her with his arrow,

٨. وإنّ للَيْلَى في فُؤادي مَحلّةً
متى يَرْمِها الواشي بسَهْمٍيُخَطِّها

9. Though if Layla hits or misses rarely
Have we thanked her or blamed her if she misses,

٩. على أنّ لَيلَى إن أَصابَتْ وَقلّما
شَكَرْنا لها أَو أَخطأَتْ لم نُخَطِّها

10. It was as if after her phantom departed,
My pillow turned into a funeral dress she clothed me in.

١٠. كأنّ وِسادي بعدَ توديعِ طَيْفِها
قَتادٌ وقد كَفّلتِ جَفْني بخَرْطها

11. So shall I have another nighttime visitation,
Woe to me, whoever intends the water of her riverbank!

١١. فهل زَورةٌ أُخرَى اللّيالي مُعادَةٌ
علىَّ حَرِيّاً مَن نَوى ماء شَطّها

12. If she had made my soul the reward for her journey
What value has my soul in fulfilling her condition?

١٢. ولو شَرَطَتْ روحي ثَوابَ مَسيرِها
فما قَدْرُ روحي في الوفاءِ بشَرْطها

13. Perhaps a time will come when her affection returns
And hardened hearts become content after her discontent

١٣. لَعلَّ زماناً أنْ يَعودَ كعَهْدِه
فتَرضَى قُلوبٌ جَمّةٌ بَعدَ سُخْطها

14. Perhaps after the long night, morning will follow
And the house of the beloved will draw near after its remoteness

١٤. وقد يُعقبُ المّيلُ الطّويلُ صَبيحةً
وتَقرُبُ دارُ الحَيَّ من بَعْدِ شَحْطها

15. By God, no messenger can bring us together,
The Lord of might gives the garb of distance its easiest folding,

١٥. وللهِ ما تَخْدِي بنا كُلُّ رَسْلةٍ
يَعُطُّ رداءَ البِيدِ أَيسَرُ عَطّها

16. And I said when the caravan of yearning opposed me
And it sped with the guide into my rugged terrain:

١٦. وقد قُلتُ لمّا عارضَتْ عُقَدَ الِلّوَى
وهَبّتْ معَ الحادي بغَوْريِّ سِقْطها

17. It was as if molded bracelets in their hands
If the gloom of night startles with its clamor,

١٧. كأنّ مَصوغاتٍ بأيدي عِجالِها
إذا ذَعرتْ ليلُ الكئيبِ بخَبْطها

18. To where is the journey of the doe under the feet of her camel?
The door of the trusted Prince is the best of her halting places!

١٨. إلى أينَ مَسرَى العِيسِ تحت رِحالِها
وبابُ أَمينِ المُلْكِ خَيرُ مَحَطِّها

19. So go into the courtyard of the white shining Majid
Whose houses of glory have its prime and heart,

١٩. فَسِيروا إلى أفناء أبيضَ ماجدٍ
له من بُيوتِ المجدِ غُرّةُ وَسْطها

20. Who is generous, if the rich pass by his hearing,
He turns from the smoothness of fingers grasping it,

٢٠. كريمٌ إذا مَرَّ العذولُ بسَمْعِه
يُراجِعُ عن سَمْحِ الأنامِلِ سَبْطها

21. Praiseworthy in the plain and ruggedness of time,
And steadfast against the injustice of nights and their justice.

٢١. حَميدٌ على سَهْلِ الزّمانِ وَوَعْرِه
وثَبْتٌ على جَوْرِ اللّيالي وقِسْطها

22. So how many goals, O son of noblemen, have you attained
Atop a difficult ledge none have marked before you?

٢٢. فكم غايةٍ يا ابْنَ الكرامِ بلَغْتَها
على صَهوةٍ من صَعبةٍ لم تُوَطّها

23. And how many gifts have you given, substantial,
But I have spread them, not concealing any!

٢٣. وكم نعمةٍ أعطَيْتَها وهْي جَزْلَةٌ
ولكنّني نَشّرتُها لم أغَطَها

24. I thanked - so increase for us your provision,
Lasting through the graying of nights and their youth!

٢٤. شكَرتُ فزِدْنا زادَك الله نعمةً
تَدومُ على شِيبِ اللّيالي وشُمْطها

25. And grant me through some circumstance after wealth you gave me,
For no knot except you can untie it!

٢٥. وجُدْ لي بحالٍ بعدَ مالٍ وهَبْتَه
فما عُقْدَةٌ إلا وأنتَ لِنَسْطها

26. For I am attributed in affection to you
And pride of all mankind in the glory of its people!

٢٦. فإنّيَ مَنْسوبٌ إليكَ مَودّةً
وفَخْرُ سَراةِ النّاسِ في عِزِّ رَهطها

27. For indeed marvelous verse flows not but through it
As the sun endures pouring down its threads

٢٧. فإنّ القوافي الغُرَّ ما لم تَسِرْ بِها
لكالشّمسِ ما دامَتْ تُقيمُ بخَطّها

28. So bestow upon my arts lines of care
Which are a mark on the cheek of its looping tresses,

٢٨. فحرِّرْ لآدابي سُطورَ عنايةٍ
هيَ الوَسْمُ في ضاحي سَوالفِ عُلْطها

29. And weary with it the palm of your generous hand
When asked to bring wondrous great benefits!

٢٩. واتْعَبْ بها كفَّ الكريمة شأنُها
متَى تُسألِ الجَدْوى العظيمةَ تُعْطِها

30. For your right hand does not withhold what it possesses
Hoped for - do not stint in drawing its line!

٣٠. وإنّ يَميناً لا تَضُنُّ بمالِها
لَمَرجُوَّةٌ ألاّ تَضُنَّ بخَطّها

31. So the pulling of reins does not cease in its clenching
Nor the immortalizing of praise in its extension

٣١. فلا زال تَصريفُ العِنانِ لقَبْضها
ولا زال تَخْليدُ الثَناءِ لبَسطها

32. Nor the frustration of the arrogant through its expenditure
Nor the satisfying of Kings through its discipline

٣٢. ولا زال إسخاطُ العَذولِ ببَذْلِها
ولا زال إرضاءُ الملوكِ بضَبطها

33. Nor when you turn the pens, have they ceased
Taking from every beauty in proper share,

٣٣. ولا زالتِ الأقلامُ حين تُديرُها
وقد أخذَتْ من كُلِّ حُسنٍ بقِسْطها

34. Splitting the hearts of enviers as their rending,
And dropping the heads of deviants without care!

٣٤. تَشُقُّ قلوبَ الحاسدِينَ كشَقِّها
وتُلْقي رُؤوسَ المارقينَ كقَطّها

35. No wonder it rules the eye if it flows
And cleaves to parchment corners of its pages!

٣٥. ولا عجَبٌ أن تَملِكَ العَينَ إن جرَتْ
وماسَتْ على القرطاسِ أعطافُ رُقْطها

36. For the glances of a girl are not like its motion
Nor the moles on a cheek like its dots!

٣٦. فما اللّحْظُ من عَينِ الفتاة كجَرْيها
وما الخالُ في خَدِّ المَليحِ كنَقطها

37. So the star of your grandfather does not cease rising
When the horses of the people have plunged down steep

٣٧. فما زال يَعلو نَجْمُ جَدِّك صاعداً
إذا ما جُدودُ القومِ أهوتْ لهَبْطها

38. And I hope to see ascend for you a state
Prolonging the lips of people serving its extension!

٣٨. وإنّي لأَرجو أن تُرى لك دَولةٌ
تُطيلُ شفاهُ النّاسِ خِدمةَ بُسْطها