1. My heart casts itself though in its darkness
Does it not fear for its infatuation?
١. يَرْمي فؤاديَ وَهْوَ في سَوادئهِ
أتُراهُ لا يخْشَى على حَوبْائه
2. And in its ignorance it wounds itself
That the lovers aspire to keep it
٢. ومنَ الجهالةِ وهْوَ يَرشُقُ نفسه
أنْ تَطْمعَ العشّاقُ في إبقائه
3. The heart wandered in passion and in pride
So when will the awakening of its wandering in its wandering be?
٣. تاهَ الفؤادُ هوى وتاهَ تعَظُمّاً
فمتى إفاقةُ تائهٍ في تائه
4. It walked so that if you looked sideways
The hearts of creation would be captured in its folds
٤. رَشَا يُريك إذا نَظْرتَ تَثنيِّاً
تُسّبي قلوبُ الخَلْقِ في أثنائه
5. The rod adhered to the dune by its height
Both attracting the other by its beauty and brilliance
٥. عَلقَ القضيبُ معَ الكثيبِ بقدهِ
مُتجاذبَيْنِ لحُسنه وبَهائه
6. Until when they reached contention, they reconciled
To separate between them by the necklace of its hills
٦. حتّى إذا بلَغا الخِصامَ تَراضيَا
للفَصْلِ بينهما بَعقْدِ قبَائه
7. One with a blush like a star whose light shines
In a darkness that hid it from its companions
٧. ذُو غُرةٍ كالنّجمِ يلمَعُ نورُه
في ظلمةٍ أخْفَتْهُ من رُقبَائه
8. White despaired of reaching it
And the full moon appeared in the midst of its sky
٨. بيضاءُ لمّا آيسَتْ من وصْلِها
وبدَتْ بُدُوَّ البَدْرِ وَسْطَ سمَائه
9. I contained in my lap a body of tears to cry
Perhaps its specter may appear in its water
٩. أَترَعْتُ في حِجْري غديراً للبُكا
فعسى يلوحُ خيَالُها في مائه
10. And a pillow the dawn adorned with its branch
From the length of its night and from its weariness
١٠. ومُسّهدٌ حَلّ الصبًّاحُ بفرْعِهِ
من طُولِ ليلته ومن إعيائه
11. The pockets of its eyelids split from a watcher
Empty of their specter and of their drowsiness
١١. شُقّتَ جيوبُ جفونهِ عن ناظرٍ
من طيَفْهم خالٍ ومن إغفائه
12. With prolonged journeys and pillowed
And its gardens one of its hands and its sides
١٢. مُتَطاوِلٌ أسفارُه مُتَوسِّدٌ
وَجَناتُه إحدى يَدَيْ وَجنْائه
13. Sometimes the deception of mountains is seen and others
Iraq casts it to its hunting grounds
١٣. طَوراً يُرَى زَوْرَ الجِبالِ وتارةً
يَرْمي العراقُ به إلى زَوْرائه
14. And time exhausted its people more than its people
Whoever tried to straighten its crookedness
١٤. والدَّهرُ أتعَبُ أهِله مِن أهلِه
منْ حاول التّقويم من عوجائه
15. What business have I and what business has time? Every demand
I bring near it recoils in excluding it
١٥. مالي وما للدّهر ما من مطلَبٍ
أُدنيه إلاَّ لجَّ في إقصائه
16. A time, by your life, old age deprecated it
Until it came to reap its own sons
١٦. دَهرٌلعَمرُك هَرَّمتْه كَبْرةٌ
حتْى غدا يَجْني على أبنائه
17. It shows wonder at its great effort
The sensible from its little singing
١٧. يُبدِى التَعجّبَ من كثير عَنائه
فيه اللّبيبُ ومن قليلِ غَنائه
18. Its days turn and the youth finds
Perplexed between its morning and its evening
١٨. مُتَقلّبٌ أيامَه تَجِدُ الفتى
حيرانَ بين صباحهِ ومَسائه
19. They were disturbed, so its end is not clear
And the emergence of the depth of water at its purity
١٩. كدَرَتْ فليس يَبينُ آخرُ أمرها
وظُهورُ قَعْرِ الماء عند صَفائه
20. Who do I have of generous lineage to charm his hearing?
The complaint of a time that passed in its darkness
٢٠. مَنْ لي بذي كرَمٍ أقرّطُ سَمْعَهُ
شَكوْى زمانٍ مَرَّ في غُلوَائه
21. Verily when time wanes in its rotations
Its supreme ones are complained to its supreme ones
٢١. إنّ الزمان إذا دهَى بصُروفه
شُكِيَتْ عَظائمُه إلى عُظَمائه
22. The debt of religion and life I was content with both
No matter how you masked its darkness with its light
٢٢. الدينُ والدُّنيا كُفيتَ مُهمّها
مهما جَلْوتَ ظلاّمَها بضيائه
23. And for Ahmad bin Ali gathered a highness
Not gathered before him for his peers
٢٣. ولأحمدَ بنِ علّي اجتمعَتْ عُلاً
لم تَجتمعْ من قَبله لسِوائه
24. Singular in a thousand virtues so what is
In the time a satisfaction to match his qualification?
٢٤. فَرْدٌ بألفِ فضيلةٍ فيه فما
في العَصْرِ رّبُّ كفايةٍ بكِفائه
25. The darkness of adversities does not clear from the youth
Except by seeing his face and his innocence
٢٥. لا تنجِلي ظُلَمُ الخطوبِ عن الفتَى
إلاّ برؤيةِ وَجهْهِ وبرائه
26. He possessed manhood beyond the people of his time
The possession of death for the initiator of his revival
٢٦. مَلَك المُروءةَ دون أهلِ زمانه
مُلْكَ المَواتِ لمُبتْدِي إحيائه
27. Resolute of determination, his questioning cannot be borne
Eternally for his preceding in granting
٢٧. ماضي العزيمةِ لا يُطاقُ سُؤالُه
أبدَ الزّمان لَسبقِه بَعَطائه
28. He expends his treasures and his mention remains
Expending them a path to keeping it
٢٨. يُفْنِي ذخائَرَهُ ويبُقى ذكْرَه
إفناؤها نَهْجٌ إلى إبقائه
29. And if he makes wealth die he becomes its inheritor
From a hopeful one he brought to life by his praise of him
٢٩. وإذا أمات المالَ أصبحَ وارثاً
من آمِلٍ أحياهُ حُسْنَ ثَنائه
30. Two inherited treasures remained for him
Praise and glory elongated the branch of its building
٣٠. ذُخْرانِ مَوْروثانِ قد بَقيا له
حَمْدٌ ومَجدٌ طال فَرْعُ بنائهِ
31. Of two things, expendable, they gave charity so praise is
From his money and glory from his forefathers
٣١. من ذاهبَيْنِ تَصرَّما فالحَمْدُ من
أموالهِ والمَجْدُ من آبائه
32. And the most glorious of his endowments to creation
Is from him the disdain of debasement from his endowments
٣٢. وأجَلُّ من آلائه عندَ الورّى
منه احتقارُ الغُرِّ من آلائه
33. He thus remains yearning, requesting his bestowal
As if he were a seeker from his beloved ones
٣٣. فيظَلُّ يَحْبوُ مُستميحَ نَوالهِ
وكأنّما هو طالِبٌ من لحبائه
34. And you see in him a generosity that deceives himself
And misreads what is transcribed from his sons
٣٤. وترى له كرماً يغالط نفسه
ويصحف المسطور من أبنائه
35. He yearns and reads that he reaps thus about
His beloved ones his excess of modesty seizes him
٣٥. يَحْبو ويَقْرأ أنه يَجنْى فَعن
دَ حِبائه يتَغْشاهُ فَضْلُ حيَائه
36. You thus see him apologizing without crime
The apology of the guilty ones in beseeching his brother
٣٦. فَتَراهُ مُعْتَذِراً بغيرِ جنايةٍ
عُذْرَ الجُناةِ إلى أخي استِجْدائه
37. Verily I think how I may compose his thanks
For the generous one of his brotherhood has possessed me
٣٧. إنّي لأُفكِرُ كيف أنظمُ شُكْرهُ
فلقد تَملّكني كريمُ إِخائه
38. But I hope that he remains over creation
In its envied horizon from his loftiness
٣٨. لكنْ أُؤمِّلُ أن يَظَلَّ على الورى
في أُفْقه المحسودِ من عَلْيائه
39. He and the most honorable of his sons always
Like the full moon amidst the stars in its darkness
٣٩. هو و الأعزّةُ من بَنيه دائماً
كالبَدْرِ وَسْطَ الشُهْبِ في ظَلمْائه