1. Wonder comes only from the sons of bygone days
From whom the cloak of blame was never removed
١. لَيسَ التَعَجّبُ إِلّا مِن بَني زَمَن
لَم يَنزَعِ المُلكُ عَنهُم بُردَةَ اللُوَّمِ
2. They taught time itself treachery and deceit
And gathered all manner of evil, covert and overt
٢. هُم عَلَّموا الدَهرَ غَدراً مِن شَمائِلِهِم
جَمَّ الطَرائِقِ مِن بادٍ وَمَكتومِ
3. Until one of their own followed their example and destroyed them
For the grudge of a subordinate may undo a leader
٣. حَتّى اِقتَدى بِهِمُ فيهِم فَأَهلَكَهُم
وَقَد يَبُذُّ إِماماً شَأوُ مَأمومِ
4. From every merciless person, if he has power
And even when events have turned against them
٤. مِن كُلِّ لا راحِمٍ إِن كانَ ذا قُدَرٍ
وَلا إِذا نابَهُم خَطبٌ بِمَرحومِ
5. The shadow of a kingdom that has passed away deludes him
Like one taking shade in an unsupported structure
٥. يَغُرُّهُ ظِلُّ مُلكٍ عَنهُ مُنتَقِلٌ
كَمُستَظِلٍّ بِبَيتٍ غَيرِ مَدعومِ
6. They showed joy in propitious days
During an era stamped with violation of covenants
٦. أَبدَوا سُروراً بِأَيّامٍ مُساعِدَةٍ
خِلالَ عَصرٍ بِنَفضِ العَهدِ مَوسومِ
7. And good fortune amidst misfortune lasts only
As long as a star remains fixed in its place
٧. وَالسَعدُ في النَحسِ مِقدارُ البَقاءِ لَهُ
مِقدارُ لَبثَةِ نَجمٍ عِندَ تَصميمِ
8. The wretchedness of creation is seen by every perceptive eye
To decree their inevitable downfall without need of astrology
٨. نُكدُ الخَلائِقِ تَلقى كُلَّ ذي نَظَرٍ
يَقضي بِقَطعٍ لَهُم مِن غَيرِ تَنجيمِ
9. All those restless over their affairs, wavering between
Deferral and haste in everything they undertake
٩. مِن كُلِّ مُقتَسِمِ الرِجلَينِ مِن قَلَقٍ
في أَمرِهِ بَينَ تَأخيرٍ وَتَقديمِ
10. If their dynasties are granted a single year's respite
It is as though they were granted the lifetime of epochs
١٠. أَعمارُ دَولَتِهِم إِن أُمهِلَت سَنَةٌ
كَأَنَّما هِيَ أَعمارُ التَقاويمِ