1. Slumber carried to me the ghost of his phantom
If only a ghost it were of his incarnations
ูก. ุฒูููู ุงูู
ู ุฅููู ุทููููู ุฎููุงูููู
ูู ุฃูู ุทููููุงู ูุงู ู
ู ุฃุจุฏุงูููู
2. If my embracer, desire would not have surged
If surging were for embracing his likeness
ูข. ูู ูุงู ู
ูุนูุชูููู ููู
ุง ุทูุบููู ุงููููู
ูู ูุงู ููุทูุบูู ูุงุนูุชูุงูู ู
3. We almost fancied being united with a man
Who left us with nothing but memories of his union
ูฃ. ุจูุชููุง ููุนูููููู ุจุงูููุตุงูู ู
ูู ุงู
ููุจููู ู
ููุง ุบูุฑู ุฐูููุฑู ููุตุงูู
4. In a night, time glanced at our delight
In it, in the observing eye of the swooning lover
ูค. ูู ูููุฉู ูุญูุธู ุงูุฒูู
ุงูู ููุนูู
ูููุง ุจุนููููู ุงูุนุงุฑูู ุงูู
5. His attributes perfected, so his affability perfected
Likewise the moon's defect at its peak
ูฅ. ุชูู
ูุชู ู
ุญุงุณููู ูุชูู
ู ุตูุฏูุฏูู
ููุฐุงูู ููููุตู ุงูุจูุฏูุฑู ูููุชู ููู
6. Love lessened in the eye from him, as
The prince finds his cry with independence
ูฆ. ูููู ุงููููู ูู ุงูุนููู ู
ูู ู
ููููููู ุงูุฃู
ูุฑู ููุฏุงูู ุจุงุณูุชููููุงูู
7. What does estrangement want from one displaying
To fate, blending his throaty voice with his shadow
ูง. ู
ุงุฐุง ููุฑูุฏู ุงูููุฌูุฑู ู
ู ู
ููุฏููููุฑู ููู
ุฒูุฌู ุฑููููููู ุจูุฒููุงูู
8. A petulant lad who defied his reprimanders until
The zephyr blew, whereupon he turned into one of his reprimanders
ูจ. ุตูุจูู ุนุตูู ุนูุฐูุงููู ุญุชูู ุฅุฐุง
ุงูุตููุจุงุจุฉู ุตุงุฑู ู
ู ุนูุฐูุงูู
9. And an enchanter who trapped passion with the course of desire
Between his bright cheek and his mole
ูฉ. ูู
ูููููููู ุญุจูุณ ุงููุฑูู ุตูุฑููู ุงููููู
ุง ุจููู ุนุงุฑุถูู ุงูู
ูููุฑู ูุฎุงูู
10. I asked him for daytime sleep and wakefulness concealed his beauty with its guide
I kept extending it to him until I surely
ูกู . ุนุงุทูููุชูู ุงูุตููููุจุงุกู ุฃุฎุทูุจู ููููู
ูุงูุตูุญููู ููุญุฌูุจู ุญูุณูููู ุจูุฏููุงูู
11. Separated between his guide and his beauty
Until drowsiness fooled around with his body
ูกูก. ู
ุง ุฒูุชู ุฃูุจุณุทููู ุจูุง ุญุชูู ููุฏ
ูุฑููููุชู ุจููู ุฏููุงููู ูุฌูู
12. Playfully becoming the essence of its like
I interceded for him with my manliness and took
ูกูข. ุญุชูู ุฅุฐุง ุนุจูุซ ุงูุณููุจุงุชู ุจููุฏููู
ุนูุจุซุงู ูููููู ุงูุฌูุฏูู ู
ู ุฃู
13. My soul from myself and sold his prohibitions for the lawful
And a taster who thought prolonging would increase
ูกูฃ. ุดูููุนูุชู ููู ู
ูุฑูุกุชู ูุณููุจูุชูู
ููููุณู ูุจูุนูุชู ุญูุฑุงู
ูู ุจุญููุงูู
14. My love for him, so I gifted it to his prolonging
If only time would show gratitude, it would not have left
ูกูค. ูู
ุงุฐููู ุญูุณูุจู ุงูู
ูุทุงูู ููุฒูุฏููู
ุญูุจูุงู ูู ููููุจูุชูู ููู
15. My gratitude as I enumerated some of its traits
If only this generosity would show gratitude, it would not have left
ูกูฅ. ููููู ุงููู ูุฐุง ุงูุฏูููุฑู ูุดูุฑู ูู
ุดูููุฑู ููุฏ ุนูุฏููุฏูุชู ุจุนูุถู ุฎูุตุงูู
16. The prince's gratitude as he became of his house
Abundance is in his bestowal, attaining is in
ูกูฆ. ููููู ุงููู ูุฐุง ุงูุฌูุฏู ูุดูุฑู ูู
ุดููุฑู ุงูุฃู
ูุฑู ููุฏ ุบุฏุง ู
ูู ุขูู
17. His questioning, and death lies in his haunt
People are from his inquiry, generosity is from
ูกูง. ุงูููููุฑู ุนูุฏ ูููุงููู ูุงูููููููู ุนู
ุฏ ุณูุคุงููู ูุงูู
ูููุชู ุนูุฏ ุตููุงูู
18. His reprimand, and fate is from his workers
Hopes gather from his assets
ูกูจ. ูุงูุฎููููู ู
ู ุณูุคุงูู ูุงูุฌููุฏู ู
ุนูุฐูุงููู ูุงูุฏูููุฑู ู
ู ุนูู
19. So assets disperse into his hopes
He has such sweetness that if it were distributed to people,
ูกูฉ. ุชูุชุฌู
ูุนู ุงูุขู
ุงูู ู
ู ุฃู
ููุชูููุฑูููู ุงูุฃู
ูุงูู ูู ุขู
20. The sensible would not increase over the ignorant in it
And he has manners that if they were planets,
ูขู . ููู ุญูููู
ู ูู ููุณูู
ููู ุนูู ุงูููุฑู
ุง ุฒุงุฏ ุนุงููููู ุนูู ุฌูููุงูู
21. The Pleiades in their glow would become like its crescent
And his words are more gratifying to the hearing
ูขูก. ูุฎูุงุฆููู ูู ุฃูููููู ููุงูุจู
ุฃูุถุญูู ุงูุณูููุง ูู ุงูุถููุกู ู
ูุซููู ูููุงูู
22. Than the comfort of the busy from their busyness
The generosity of his intuition does not withhold his utterance
ูขูข. ูููุตููู ูููููู ูููู ุฃุนุฐูุจู ู
ู ุฑุงุญุฉู ุงูู
ูุดูุบููู ุนู ุฃุดุบุงูู
23. Its as if his words were from his assets
And as if his resolves and his swords
ูขูฃ. ุณูู
ูุญู ุงูุจุฏููุฉู ููุณ ููู
ุณูู ููููุธูู
ุง ุฃููุงุธูู ู
ู ู
24. Were created from his determination and his encroachment
Smiling in discourse, you'd reckon he is
ูขูค. ููุฃููู
ุง ุนุฒูู
ุงุชูู ูุณูููููู
ู ุฌูุฏูููู ุฎูููููู ูู
ู ุฅููุจุงูู
25. Veiled for his beauty by his slipper
If fate knew the value of his deed
ูขูฅ. ู
ู ูู ุงูุฎูุทูุจู ุชูุญุณูุจู ุฃูููู
ู ุญูุณูููู ู
ู ุจููุนุงูู
26. Its events would be tailored to his example
My Indian steel, the antiquity of whose craftsmanship
ูขูฆ. ูู ูุงู ููุฏูุฑู ุงูุฏูููุฑู ููู
ุฉู ููุนูููู
ููุณูุฌูุชู ุญูุงุฏุซูู ุนูู ู
27. Has made polishing redundant in telling of its sharpmaking
I channeled poetry to you until poems became for it
ูขูง. ูุง ููููุฏููุงูููุงู ุนุชููู ููุฌุงุฑูู
ุฃูุบูููู ุงูุตูููุงูููู ุนู ุญุฏูุซู ุตููุงูู
28. Short pieces eulogizing its lengths
And so whoever trails his train toward the heights
ูขูจ. ุฃูุฌุฑู ุฅููู ุงูุดููุนูุฑู ุญุชูู ุฃูุตุจุญูุชู
ูู ุงูููุตุงุฑู ุญูุงู
ูุฏุงู ููุทููุงูู
29. Praise sticks to the pages of his trainโs edges
ูขูฉ. ููุฐุงูู ู
ูู ุฌูุฑูู ุงูุฐูููููู ุฅูู ุงูุนููุง
ุนููููู ุงูุซูููุงุกู ุจุตูููุญุชููู ุฃุฐููุงูู